Application link suddenly fails - Connection lost with JIRA


Clicking on a JIRA link from within Fisheye/Crucible displays an error:

Connection lost with JIRA

Unfortunately, we've encountered problems connecting to JIRA: The server may be unreachable. Please ensure you are running JIRA 5.0 or higher


The following appears in the atlassian-fisheye-<YYYY>-<MM>-<DD>.log:

2014-02-18 10:30:58,669 WARN  [qtp27134372-33094 ] com.atlassian.oauth.serviceprovider.internal.AuthenticatorImpl OAuthProblemUtils-logOAuthProblem - Rejecting OAuth request for url "http://kidney:8060/rest-service-fe/search-v1/crossRepositoryQuery" due to invalid timestamp ({oauth_problem=timestamp_refused, oauth_acceptable_timestamps=1392737158668-1392737758668}). This is most likely due to our system clock not being synchronized with the consumer's clock.



The difference in system time between the JIRA and Fisheye/Crucible servers has drifted too much, voiding the OAuth token.



Either synchronize the server times manually or set up an NTP server to keep the server times in synch.

Last modified on Jul 31, 2018

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