Troubleshooting integration with Atlassian applications
- Unable to Integrate with JIRA due to Disabled Remote API Access
- PKIX Path Building Failed - Cannot Set Up Trusted Applications To SSL Services
- Cannot see Activity Stream from JIRA
- java.lang.IllegalStateException - ApplicationLink with id '12345a67-bcd8-9012-efg3-4hij5k6lmn7o' not found
- Unable to Add Application Links
- Communication between Fisheye and Crowd couldn't be established due to HTTP Status 403
- Assignee is Ignored When Creating Subtasks in JIRA from Crucible
- Integrated Applications Can't use Remote API after a Recent Crucible Upgrade
- Error creating subtask in JIRA: Unknown error creating subtask for issue ABC-1234: null
- No Create Issue link displayed in Crucible review comments
- JIRA Issues Are Not Hyperlinked in Fisheye, Crucible
- Stuck at adding Project Link when integrating Fisheye with JIRA
- Manual re-sync does not work
- Smart Commits are not populating the JIRA comment tab
- Error handling trusted applications authentication attempt - OLD_CERT, Certificate too old
- Permission Denied errors in the JIRA ticket's source tab
- Fisheye JIRA Integration does not work (500 Internal Server Error)
- Error synchronizing Fisheye user with Crowd
- JIRA fails to retrieve Fisheye data - Failed to parse Fisheye response
- Application link creation failure in Fisheye/Crucible - certificate_unknown
- Error Setting Application Link to JIRA Cloud
- Application Link authentication fails due to bad URL signature
- Can't link Repository to Jira Project
- The host did not accept the connection within timeout of 10000 ms
- org.xml.sax.SAXException when integrating with JIRA
- JIRA users can't login to Fisheye/Crucible or connecting to JIRA for user management fails
- How to manually remove application links from the Fisheye/Crucible database
- Application link suddenly fails - Connection lost with JIRA
- Unable to create link to JIRA issue from Crucible Review (no error messages)
- (401)Unauthorized error when trying to perform a smart commit referencing a JIRA issue
- Stream not marked when adding Stash repository to Fisheye
- There are no links available when using anonymous access error when adding Application Link to a project
- Can't create Application Links
- Unable to see JIRA issues from Crucible
- Problem communicating with Stash when adding repository
- Accessing the list of Bitbucket repositories throws "No authentication configured for application link"
- Perforce Jobs in Fisheye and JIRA
- Loading commits from Fisheye inside a Jira issue times out after 10000ms
- Unable to create Application links due to "PKIX Path Building Failed" error when fisheye is configured with custom truststore on config.xml
Last modified on Mar 10, 2016
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