Error synchronizing Fisheye user with Crowd

Platform notice: Server and Data Center only. This article only applies to Atlassian products on the Server and Data Center platforms.

Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.

*Except Fisheye and Crucible


Integrate Fisheye and Crowd 2.1 with SSO. Synchronizing users with Crowd will have the following error in the fisheye-debug-<date>.log:

2012-11-09 12:28:41,845 DEBUG [btpool0-18 ] perf.timer Timer-output - -> CrowdAuth.recreateAuth() mem_usage = 113185728 heapsize = 531759104 freemem = 418573376
2012-11-09 12:28:41,845 DEBUG [btpool0-18 ] CrowdAuth$4-call - Groups to Synchronize is empty. Checking if user: 'klfoong' can authenticate with Crowd.
2012-11-09 12:28:41,861 DEBUG [btpool0-18 ] wire.header Wire-wire - >> "POST /crowd/rest/usermanagement/1/session?validate-password=false HTTP/1.1[\r][\n]"
2012-11-09 12:28:41,861 DEBUG [btpool0-18 ] wire.header Wire-wire - >> "Accept: application/xml[\r][\n]"
2012-11-09 12:28:41,861 DEBUG [btpool0-18 ] wire.header Wire-wire - >> "Authorization: Basic ZmlzaGV5ZTpjZW50ZXI=[\r][\n]"
2012-11-09 12:28:41,861 DEBUG [btpool0-18 ] wire.header Wire-wire - >> "User-Agent: Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.1[\r][\n]"
2012-11-09 12:28:41,861 DEBUG [btpool0-18 ] wire.header Wire-wire - >> "Host: localhost:8095[\r][\n]"
2012-11-09 12:28:41,876 DEBUG [btpool0-18 ] wire.header Wire-wire - >> "Cookie: $Version=0; JSESSIONID=CA19B7BB71539B8E10240B060ABA643A; $Path=/crowd[\r][\n]"
2012-11-09 12:28:41,876 DEBUG [btpool0-18 ] wire.header Wire-wire - >> "Content-Length: 166[\r][\n]"
2012-11-09 12:28:41,876 DEBUG [btpool0-18 ] wire.header Wire-wire - >> "Content-Type: application/xml[\r][\n]"
2012-11-09 12:28:41,876 DEBUG [btpool0-18 ] wire.header Wire-wire - >> "[\r][\n]"
2012-11-09 12:28:41,876 DEBUG [btpool0-18 ] wire.content Wire-wire - >> "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>[\n]"
2012-11-09 12:28:41,876 DEBUG [btpool0-18 ] wire.content Wire-wire - >> "<authentication-context>[\n]"
2012-11-09 12:28:41,876 DEBUG [btpool0-18 ] wire.content Wire-wire - >> "    <username>klfoong</username>[\n]"
2012-11-09 12:28:41,876 DEBUG [btpool0-18 ] wire.content Wire-wire - >> "    <validation-factors/>[\n]"
2012-11-09 12:28:41,876 DEBUG [btpool0-18 ] wire.content Wire-wire - >> "</authentication-context>[\n]"
2012-11-09 12:28:41,923 DEBUG [btpool0-18 ] wire.header Wire-wire - << "HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request[\r][\n]"
2012-11-09 12:28:41,923 DEBUG [btpool0-18 ] wire.header Wire-wire - << "HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request[\r][\n]"
2012-11-09 12:28:41,970 DEBUG [btpool0-18 ] wire.content Wire-wire - << "<error><reason>ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT</reason><message>The validated object is null</message></error>"
2012-11-09 12:28:41,970 DEBUG [btpool0-18 ] perf.timer Timer-output - <- CrowdAuth.recreateAuth()  time 125 millis mem_usage = 114073776 heapsize = 531759104 freemem = 417685328
2012-11-09 12:28:41,970 ERROR [btpool0-18 ] DefaultUserManager-synchroniseUsers - Error communicating with crowd. Skipping to the next user ...
com.cenqua.fisheye.user.AuthenticationException: Problem communicating with Crowd
	at com.cenqua.fisheye.user.crowd.CrowdAuth.recreateAuth(
	at com.cenqua.fisheye.user.DefaultUserManager.synchroniseUsers(
	at com.cenqua.fisheye.user.DefaultUserManager.synchroniseUsers(
	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
Caused by: com.atlassian.crowd.exception.OperationFailedException: The validated object is null


This is a bug in Crowd 2.1 CWD-2152 - Crowd SSO token resource to authenticate user without validating the password does not work


Upgrade Crowd to version 2.1.1 or later

Last modified on Jan 27, 2025

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