Unable to Add Application Links
Sometimes, while trying to add an Application Link between JIRA and Fisheye / Crucible, although they are installed on the same server and there's no proxy / firewall setup, instances cannot contact each other, and the Application Link will not be created.
Also tried to configure a Base URL for both JIRA and Fisheye, using http://localhost:8080,
, and http://<Server_IP>:8080
for JIRA, and http://localhost:8060
and http://<Server_IP>:8060
for Fisheye.
This message is displayed in Fisheye, while trying to add the Application Link from Fisheye to JIRA:
The Remote application is not able to connect to '<fisheye_server_name>'(FishEye / Crucible) by using the URL 'http://<fisheye_server_name>:8060'
This message is displayed in JIRA, while trying to add the Application Link from JIRA to Fisheye:
The host is unknown. Verify that the URL is correct.
The anti-virus firewall is blocking the applications.
Add exceptions to your anti-virus firewall in order to allow applications to contact each other.