JIRA Software Labs

Administering JIRA Software

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JIRA Software Labs enables our customers to test some exciting new functionalities within JIRA Software, giving you a sneak preview of new features coming in future releases of JIRA Software.

Please note that Labs features represent work-in-progress. They may be incomplete, or may change before being incorporated into the application (some Labs features may never be incorporated into the application).

We try to keep Labs features stable, but please note that we cannot guarantee that data used while evaluating a Labs feature will be completely intact.

You can provide feedback on these Labs features by clicking on the Feedback icon on the header.

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Enabling Labs features

  1. Log in as a user with the 'JIRA Administrators' global permission.
  2. Select JIRA Administration from the top bar > Applications, then scroll down the page to the JIRA Software section.
  3. Under JIRA Software Labs, select the features that are of interest to you.

Burnup Chart

Enable Burnup Chart to let your team track the total scope independently from the total work done. This helps your team manage its progress, and understand the effect of scope changes.

Currently, the Burnup Chart tracks only the scope within a sprint. We are looking to broaden this scope in future iterations. Please provide feedback with your use-cases by clicking on the Feedback icon on the header.

Last modified on Sep 30, 2016

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