An assignee of a Jira Story is not added to the related Jira Align Team

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When the setting "Assign Jira users to Jira Align teams when associated with stories and defects" is enabled (set to Yes), then the Jira Connector for Jira Align sets the assignee of a Jira Story to become a member of the Jira Align Team (and the Team Sprint) that the synchronized story is associated with in Jira Align. There is a situation where a user assigned to a Jira Story will be synchronized into the Jira Align version of the story, but the user will not be added to the membership of the associated Jira Align Team.


Jira Align


  • Check that the Jira Align version of the story does show that synchronization has taken place, and that the user, as set in the Jira story has been assigned to the related story in Jira Align
  • Check the audit log for the Jira Align Team to confirm that the affected user had previously been a team member and that their membership had been manually removed by a team administrator


This behaviour is by design: When a user is manually removed from a specific team, by a team administrator, then the Connector automation, to assign that user as a  member of the same team and override the team administrator's decision will not be allowed.   


If a user needs to be added back as a member of a  Jira Align Team, that they have previously been removed from, then a Team Administrator must manually add them back into the member list of that team. 

(info) Once a user has been removed from a team there is no ability to re-instate the automatic team membership assignment 

Last modified on Sep 13, 2024

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