API | Connectors | Integrations
- 'Value for scoreCard is invalid' seen while updating a Jira Align Program using the API
- 'Value for the cityId is invalid' while updating a user via Jira Align API
- 'View in Jira' links fail with "Cannot open project/issue with % characters in the URL" on Jira Align
- "No Jira Project was found" error seen in Jira Align when integrating a Jira Board
- 401 Unauthorized error - Jira Align Jira Connector
- Adding "Portfolio member" role through Jira Align API
- Adding a blank space at the end of the name of a Work Item in Jira Align using API
- Allowing the Jira Align Connector to bypass SSO when connecting to Jira
- An assignee of a Jira Story is not added to the related Jira Align Team
- API Token triggers error 400 on Jira Align Connector
- Canceled or Deleted State Sync - Jira Align Jira Connector
- Can Jira Epic-only projects be hidden from the selection in a Jira Align Feature?
- Can the Jira Component field be synced to Jira Align?
- Clicking 'Request Jira for access' button during Connector setup in Jira Align returns "token expired" message
- Configuring a field mapping in the Jira Align Connector does not trigger a sync for existing work items
- Configuring Okta IdP to use 'any' custom field as External ID for authentication with Jira Align
- Connector CAPTCHA_CHALLENGE error on Jira Align Connector
- Custom Field Required in Jira Resulting in Integration Issues with Jira Align
- Details of Jira fields that are synchronized to Jira Align
- Error "customfield_10XXX... operation must be string" or "The Team must be a string" on Jira Align Connector
- Error "Field '' cannot be set. It is not on the appropriate screen, or unknown" on Jira Align Connector
- Error "Field 'xxx' cannot be set. It is not on the appropriate screen, or unknown" on Jira Align Connector
- Error "Field with id' customfield_xxxxx' and name '{team-name}' does not support operation 'add' Supported operation(s) are: 'set'" in Jira Align
- Error "Field with id' xxx' and name 'Team' does not support operation 'add' Supported operation(s) are: 'set'" on Jira Align Connector
- Error "No project could be found with key 'xxxx'" on Jira Align Connector
- Error "Some features... might be lost" when saving Jira Align exported spreadsheet on Mac OS
- Error "The user account 'xxxx' does not exist in the 'xxxx' directory" attempting to login to Jira Align via SSO
- Error "Unable to create issue: priority: This priority is not available for this project." on Jira Align Connector
- Error "User 'xxxxxxxxxxx' cannot be assigned issues" on Jira Align Connector
- Feature Product Field in Jira Align clears after Connector Sync
- General Questions for Field Management in Jira Align
- How does changing the Sprint dates in Jira affect Jira Align?
- How does Jira Align support both the ADO and Jira connectors working simultaneously
- How does sprint Synchonization work between Jira and Jira Align
- How the 'Story Points' field is handled when synced between Jira and Jira Align
- How the Jira Align "Does story creation in Jira require a team assignment" setting work when creating a Jira Story
- How to add an additional program to the list of existing programs using a PATCH request in Jira Align
- How to change the status of a user using the Jira Align REST API 2
- How to check if Jira is up and can reply to Jira Align Connector's API calls
- How to configure Product field synchronization in a Feature between Jira Align and Jira
- How to configure the Jira Align ADO Connector for OAuth Authentication
- How to create Releases/PIs and Sprints when using the Jira Align ADO Connector
- How to display ranking of Epics from Jira at the Program Increment level in Jira Align
- How to filter by Datetime on Jira Align API
- How to filter by title containing apostrophes using the Jira Align REST API 2 GET
- How to filter users by their team information when using the Jira Align REST API
- How to find the ID of a field in Jira for Jira Align integration
- How to fix the message "Cannot sync because this item has an area path in an unmapped project" in Jira Align ADO connector
- How to force the sync of Jira data into Jira Align
- How to map Jira 'Done' status to Jira Align 'Accepted' state for stories
- How to Map Jira Custom Fields to Jira Align Feature Fields with the New Field Management Tab
- How to measure the packet payload size when work items are retrieved via the Jira Align REST API
- How to move a Jira Integrated, Agile(Scrum) Team to a new Jira Align program
- How to move Stories and Epics from an integrated Jira project to a non-integrated Jira project in Jira Align
- How to pass a bearer token when making a Jira Align REST API call via Python
- How to set the Export permission for Themes in Jira Align
- How to sync backlog rank for Features (Jira Epics) between Jira Align and Jira Software
- How to synchronize Jira Team Values to Jira Align Teams where all Programs use a single default set of mappings
- How to sync the Category field of a Feature between Jira Align and Jira
- How to use Custom Jira Story Types with different workflows when integrated into Jira Align using the Jira Connector
- How to use PATCH on the Feature/Epic custom fields in the API v2 in Jira Align
- How to use PATCH on the Feature or Epic tags fields with the Jira Align v2 REST API
- How to use POST on the Feature/Epic custom fields in the Jira Align API v2
- How to use the Jira Align REST API milestones endpoints available for work items (Theme, Feature, Capability, Epic).
- How to use the Jira Align REST API to update the "startInitiationDate" of a Portfolio Epic
- How update a list of items in Jira Align to push the data to Jira
- HTTP Error 400 Bad Request on Jira Align
- In Jira Align, ADO Stories (PBIs) lose their Parent Feature when assigned to a new Sprint (Iteration Path)
- In Jira Align, Jira Stories are linked to the "Unassigned Backlog" Sprint even though the stories are in valid Jira Sprints
- In Jira Align, the story or feature owner assignment is reverted back to unassigned by the External System
- In Jira Align the Jira Change log reports "400:Bad Request, There was an error parsing JSON."
- Issue links in Jira Test environment point to Production Jira Align after a Jira Data Refresh
- Jira Align API call fails with a 401 error when running in curl
- Jira Align API endpoints for accessing custom room data
- Jira Align API - How to retrieve list of Work Items canceled via API
- Jira Align API - How to solve 403 error when fetching Programs
- Jira Align API roleId Value Details for Team Roles
- Jira Align causes the History Log of a Jira Story to record a change of Summary when there is no apparent change
- Jira Align Connector button missing for some users
- Jira Align fails to sync all its projects with the error: The underlying connection was closed
- Jira Align Feature Export: Parent Epic info not populating
- Jira Align Feature Owner not syncing to Jira Epic Assignee
- Jira Align - How to Add and Remove Team Member via API
- Jira Align - How to setup story type mappings between JA and Azure DevOps
- Jira Align Sync Error - gh.epic.error.not.found
- Jira Align Tag to Jira Label sync behavior
- Jira Align Teams getting created automatically by the connector after Board sync
- Jira Align to Jira sync fails with the message "Cannot access child value on Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JValue"
- Jira Align User import fails with city highlighted as invalid
- Jira Align Web links are not showing up on Jira
- Jira and Jira Align Integration: Creating an API Service Account
- Jira Connector changes the T-Shirt size of a Jira Align Feature back to the original size
- Jira Connector for Jira Align - Supported Jira Structures
- Jira Connector Setup: How to Swap the Jira Account set in Jira Connector
- Jira Fix Version Not Syncing to Jira Align Stories
- Jira integrated work items display "This field cannot be edited in Jira Align"
- Jira sprints not syncing with Jira Align due to error Sprint was not created because this sprint originates from another board
- Jira story added as a child task to corresponding Jira Align story
- Jira Team is not automatically assigned to Jira Align work items
- Mapping States, Process Steps, and Statuses between Jira Align and Jira Software
- Query for user details using the Jira Align REST API fails for legacy alphanumeric UIDs
- Repeated Remote Issue Link Updates in Jira History from Jira Align
- REST API - Fetch multiprogram ID mapped to a Feature in Jira Align
- REST API to update Estimate Points of Epic in Jira Align
- Setting the Accepted State in Jira Align does not synchronize if there is no default Resolution in Jira
- Solving the "Reference to undeclared entity" work items sync issue on Jira Align Connector
- Stories created in Jira Kanban Boards are not assigned a Team in Jira Align
- Sychronization to Jira Align of a Jira team field using the Select List (Cascading) option can set an incorrect team.
- Sync issue with Jira Project and JiraAlign program: Error 404 Project Not Found
- Tasks are not synchronising between Jira Align and Jira when using the Jira Connector
- The administrator user is getting email notifications every time a work item is created (Jira Connector) - Jira Align
- T-Shirt sync fails between Jira Align and Jira
- Unable to create an API Token in an On-Premise Jira Align instance
- Unable to create Epic in Jira from Jira Align
- Updating AAD SAML Provider certificate in Jira Align continues to display old certificate expiration
- Using Jira Align API to Filter Work Items by the end of any text field
- Warning "Jira Align team sprints are not mapped in calendar order" after syncing Jira Board
- What is the past sync time for work items from Jira to Jira Align?
- When using the Jira Align Rest API, an http 401 error is reported
Last modified on Dec 7, 2023
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