Details of Jira fields that are synchronized to Jira Align

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When the Jira Connector is used to link Jira to Jira Align, Jira Stories and Epics are synchronized to Jira Align as Stories and Features.

This article discusses which Jira fields are involved in the synchronization and covers:

  • Fields that must sync
  • Fields that can optionally sync
  • Fields that can be set to Required in the Jira Field Configuration and then not affect sync


Jira Align


There are 3 areas of Jira fields that are involved with the sync from Jira to Jira Align. The following sections provide the details for each area.

(warning) The details are correct at the time of writing, however future enhancements to the Jira Connector may result in changes to the provided information

Section 1 - Default Fields

(warning) The fields in this table are always involved in synchronization between Jira and Jira Align and must be available in the Jira Screens

Jira FieldJira ScreensCan be Required in JiraComments
SummaryStories and EpicsYes
  • Is required in Jira by default
  • Matches to the Name field in Jira Align Stories and Features
DescriptionStories and EpicsNo
  • Is required in Jira Align
AssigneeStories and EpicsNo
  • Matches to Assigned field in Jira Align Stories
  • Matches to Owner field in Jira Align Features
ReporterStories and EpicsYes
  • Is required in Jira by default but Jira does allow it to be removed from a screen (which will affect sync to/from Jira Align).
  • Matches to the Created By field in Jira Align Stories and Features
StatusStories and EpicsNo
LabelsStories and EpicsNo
  • Matches to Tags field in Jira Align
Story PointsStoriesNo
  • Matches to Effort Points field in Jira Align
Epic PointsEpicsNo
ParentStories and EpicsNo
Fix VersionStories and EpicsNo
  • Matches to Release Vehicle field in Jira Align
  • This is an exception as it can be removed from the Jira screens if not using Fix Versions/Releases in Jira and not using Release Vehicles in Jira Align
resolutiondate or a Custom Field providing the same functionStories and Epics No
  • A custom Jira configuration where the background resolutiondate field is replaced by a custom field is allowed.
  • In such a configuration the custom field must be included in the Story and Epic screens
Jira Keyn/an/a
  • Not really presented in a Jira field
  • Every Jira work item has a unique key based on the project it is related to.
Jira numeric IDn/an/a
  • Background value that is not presented in a Jira field
  • Every Jira work item has a unique numeric ID

Section 2 - Custom fields as configured in  Jira Align > Settings > Jira Settings > Jira Setup

The fields in this table are those configured in the connector settings in Jira Align itself, some of the fields mentioned are also default fields, so included in Section 1 but are mentioned here because they are configured in this screen 

(warning) Optional fields must be configured in the Jira screens if the sync is configured in these settings

Jira Align setting for Jira Field

Jira field

Jira Screens

Default field

(so also in Section 1)

Required in Jira Align SettingsCan be Required in JiraComments
Feature custom field on storiesCustom Field or ParentStoriesYesYesNo
  • Replaced by the Parent field in the latest versions of Jira
  • Instead of entering an actual custom field (which will be ignored) the word 'parent' can be entered. 

Story points custom Field

Story PointsStoriesYesYesNo

Sprint custom Field

  • This is not a defined as a default field as Stories in Kanban Boards don't use Sprints
  • For Stories in Scrum Boards it must be included in the Jira Screens (which means stories in Kanban Boards in the same project will include the Sprints field)

Resolution date custom field

resolutiondate (background field) or a Custom FieldStories and EpicsYesYesNo
  • Usually just set to 'resolutiondate'
  • Customization of the accepted/resolution date handling in Jira may mean it is set to a customfield, that must then exist in the Jira screens 

Team custom field

Custom FieldStories
  • If set to required in Jira then 'Does story creation in Jira require a team assignment?' must be set to Yes

Story and Feature Backlog Rank

Custom FieldStories and Epics

Parent work item custom field on features

Custom fieldEpics

Program Increment custom field

Custom fieldEpics

Capability parent custom field

Custom fieldEpics

T-Shirt custom field

Custom fieldEpics

Business owner

Business OwnerStories and Epics

Acceptance criteria custom field

Custom fieldStories and Epics

Create web links on Jira issues to Jira Align work items

remotelink (Web links)Stories and Epics
  • remotelink is the Jira API name, they are seen as Web links in Jira itself and are not included in the list of fields of the screen settings in Jira.

Section 3 - Custom fields configured in  Jira Align > Settings > Jira Settings > Field Management

Any Jira custom fields added to this section must be added to the Jira Epic Screens and also cannot be set to required in the Jira Field Configuration. As the list of fields configured in Field Management is customizable, to see a list of required Jira Fields, review the list in Jira Align itself and when adding new entries make sure they already exist in the Jira Epic Screens of all integrated projects

(info) This section does not currently apply to Stories. 


(warning) The information in this article is important as any specific field involved in synchronization must exist in the Jira screens for Stories and Epics.  As field sync configuration is connector wide, such fields must exist in the screens for  all Jira projects that are integrated to Jira Align using the same connector.

(warning) Failure to configure the synchronizing fields in the screens of a project will result in sync failures from Jira Align to Jira which are usually recorded in the audit logs as:  "Field 'customfield_nnnnn' cannot be set. It is not on the appropriate screen, or unknown."

(warning)  If there are any fields in Jira that are set to Required in the field configuration but these fields are are not involved directly with sync, then problems will still be seen when creating new Stories and Features in Jira Align and expecting them to be created in Jira

(info) If not using bidirectional  sync or not creating stories and features in Jira Align for sync to Jira than it may be possible to set more fields to be  Required in the Jira field configuration. The details in this article assume that bidirectional sync is needed.

(info) It may be possible to configure just the Create and Update screens in Jira  to include the synchronizing  fields and then not include some fields in View only/Read only screens 

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Last modified on Oct 8, 2024

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