Error "Some features... might be lost" when saving Jira Align exported spreadsheet on Mac OS

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The following error is observed when attempting to edit/save a Jira Align work item exported file using Mac OS.

Some features in your workbook might be lost if you save it as Excel 2004 XML Spreadsheet (.xml)


Jira Align


  1. Open the exported file <filename>.xls in Microsoft Excel.
  2. Make the desired changes.
  3. Click "Save As" and choose Excel 2004 XML Spreadsheet (xml) format. Select Yes to proceed.

  4. Once the save is complete, locate the file in your file directory and change the file's extension from .xml to .xls

The file can now be imported into Jira Align if required. For more information on Export/Import, see:

Import objects via Excel overview

Import objects via Excel

Last modified on Mar 3, 2024

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