REST API to update Estimate Points of Epic in Jira Align
This article provides a REST API 'PATCH' query to update an Epic with Estimate Points that are linked to Program Increment or Release ID
- The below query uses the Epics endpoint ( /align/api/epcis/{id} ) to update an Epic with a single Program Increment, where 778 is the ReleaseID for the Program Increment
"op": "replace",
"path": "/points/0/releaseId",
- The below query uses the Epics endpoint ( /align/api/epcis/{id} ) to update an Epic with multiple Program Increments, where 630 and 632 are the releaseIDs for two Program Increments
{"op": "replace", "path": "/points/0/releaseId","value":632},
{"op": "replace", "path": "/points/1/releaseId","value":630}]
Last modified on Aug 1, 2024
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