Jira Align - "Email Address Already Exists" message when adding a new user

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When adding a user in Jira Align, the system pops up a message informing that the User email already exists:


Jira Align


(lightbulb)  This issue occurs because a deactivated user is already using the email, and Jira Align doesn't allow using the same email for different users, even if one of them is deactivated.

To fix this there are two options:

1) Rename the user email in the user deactivated

2) Re-activate the user

To find the deactivated user, we can:

  • On Jira Align, go to the Administration ->  People,
  • Click on the Apply Filters button,
  • Select Deactivated=Yes
  • Add another filter for Email. Inform the user's email address, as in the picture below:
  • then click the Filter button to display the results:
  • Click on the user found there;

If want to re-activate the user:

  •  click on activate, as shown below.
  • Save it, and the user will be activated again.

If want to rename the user's email:

  • On the email field, update the email with a different email and click on save;
    • Pro Tip: We can append a "_old" value at the end of the email, or any other value enough to invalidate the email in the future.
Last modified on Dec 17, 2024

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