Jira Align Strategy Room: How to retrieve the Count of Features in the Strategy Pyramid using Enterprise Insights

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When reviewing the values for the count of features in the strategy room, the number of features in the pyramid and the snapshot progress may not be aligned.

An explanation of why this can happen is provided in:
   Jira Align Strategy Room: Understanding the value differences between the Snapshot Pyramid and the Snapshot Progress 

Where we state:

The sections in the Strategy Room show different values for count results by design.
Strategy Pyramid:    Counts of Work Items (Themes, Epics, Capabilities,  Features) assigned to the PIs from the snapshot against their related Objectives
Snapshot Progress:  Counts of Work Items (Themes, Epics, Capabilities,  Features)  assigned to the PIs from the snapshot

The above article goes on to describe how to manually check where the displayed values in the pyramid come from, however if there are a large number of Objectives and Features involved, then this may be a time consuming process. 

In this article  we provide details of how to get the details of the features shown in the pyramid by using "Enterprise Insights for Jira Align"

(warning) Enterprise Insights is a separately licensed/charged application that integrates with Jira Align. Due to this, it is not implemented on all Jira Align instances and only those with Enterprise  Insights enabled will be able to use the information contained in this article   


Jira Align (with Enterprise Insights)


(info) The scripts given below will need adjusting for the the specific details of the PIs where:

  • the Program Increment (PI) Names need replacing (where the 'in'  statement is comma delimited for each PI - represented by PIxxxx and PIyyyy in the examples)
  • the PIs specified in the script must match those configured in:
    1. Enterprise > View all strategic snapshots 
    2. Locate the snapshot of interest (possibly using a search) and click on it to open the details
    3. Configurations tab 

1 - To retrieve a list of Program Tier Objectives that are part of the Snapshot and linked to the selected PIs use the following SQL script 

--Objectives tied to the Strategic Snapshot via PIs
    distinct o.[Objective ID],
    o.[Objective Name],
    PI.[Program Increment ID],
    PI.[PI Name]
from current_dw.[Objective] o
    inner join current_dw.[MAP Objective to Program Increment] mOtPI on o.[Objective ID] = mOtPI.[FK Objective ID]
    inner join current_dw.[Program Increment] PI on mOtPI.[FK Program Increment ID] = PI.[Program Increment ID]
where PI.[PI Name] in ('PIxxxx','PIyyyy')
and o.[Objective tier] = 'Program' 
order by o.[Objective ID]

(warning) The Strategic Snapshot itself is not specified in the scripts, as Enterprise Insights does not currently include the relationship between Objectives and Snapshots - the list of PIs linked to the Strategic Snapshot is used to workaround this limitation.  

2 - To retrieve a list of Features linked to these Objectives and part of the same PIs then use the following SQL script

    f.[feature id],
    f.[feature name],
    PI2.[Program Increment ID] as Feature_PI_ID,
    PI2.[PI Name] as Objective_PI_Name,
    o.[Objective ID],
    o.[Objective Name],
    PI.[Program Increment ID] as Objective_PI_ID,
    PI.[PI Name] as Objective_PI_Name
from current_dw.[feature] f
    inner join current_dw.[MAP Objective to Feature] mOtF on f.[feature ID] = mOtF.[FK feature ID]
    inner join current_dw.[Objective] o on mOtF.[FK Objective ID] = o.[Objective ID]
    inner join current_dw.[MAP Objective to Program Increment] mOtPI on o.[Objective ID] = mOtPI.[FK Objective ID]
    inner join current_dw.[Program Increment] PI on mOtPI.[FK Program Increment ID] = PI.[Program Increment ID]
    inner join current_dw.[Program Increment] PI2 on f.[FK Program Increment ID] = PI2.[Program Increment ID]
-- to get the Program Objectives tied to the PI
where PI.[PI Name] in ('PIxxxx','PIyyyy')
    -- to get the Features that are inside the same PIs
    and PI2.[PI Name] in ('PIxxxx','PIyyyy')
    and o.[Objective tier] = 'Program'
order by f.[feature id],o.[Objective ID]

(warning) The above script will not list misaligned features (features that are linked to the Objectives but are not linked to the specified PIs

Last modified on Feb 19, 2024

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