Create comment using CSV import on behalf of another author
Platform Notice: Cloud - This article applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.
How to import comments with a different user in CSV import.
Jira Cloud
- We need to make an additional mapping in the CSV file to be able to create the _comments_ with the desired user. These should be separated by the semi-colon ( ; ). Please note, use the field Comment Body in the mapping screen.
Here is how you should format your import file for the comment column.
Comment |
Date; AAID of the comment author; Comment |
- Example
30/MAY/10 11:20; 620bxxxxxxxxxx0069601a2d; This is a comment.
- The final CSV will look like this:
IssueKey | Summary | Comment |
OC2023-4 | SUMMARY | 30/MAY/10 11:20; 620bxxxxxxxxxx0069601a2d; This is a comment. |
Afterwards, the imported issue key would have comments as of the username.