Error "Failed to send request to the knowledge base server."
Platform notice: Server and Data Center only. This article only applies to Atlassian products on the Server and Data Center platforms.
Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.
*Except Fisheye and Crucible
When accessing a Jira Service Management ticket in Agent View (Jira Issue View) an error "Failed to send request to the knowledge base server." is showing:
The following appears in the atlassian-confluence.log
2017-11-23 18:33:39,000 WARN [http-nio-9443-exec-3] [oauth.serviceprovider.internal.AuthenticatorImpl] logOAuthProblem Problem encountered authenticating OAuth client for url "https://<Conf Base URL>/rest/knowledge-base/1.0/search/DES", error was "signature_invalid", with parameters "{oauth_problem=signature_invalid, oauth_signature=dJ3ISkCwaZAYVTbznFMTN7y5hOjQhYo4FacKXbXx/GjstunywjozphS28lg+mib8K07nUZ03ltHz/sRskmLYBDRdJb2uNeZ174vgCm4QTYTpw/3HzL/y/2Zb7GZodSXYhjouS2438=, oauth_signature_base_string=GET&https%3A%2F%2F<Conf Base URL>%3A<port>%2Frest%2Fknowledge-base%2F1.0%2Fsearch%2FDES&highlight%3, oauth_signature_method=RSA-SHA1}"
-- url: /rest/knowledge-base/1.0/search/DES | traceId: 94fcb14e434
- Jira and Confluence Application Link is using SSL/HTTPS
- The ERROR appears in Jira Tickets that have special characters in its Summary
- Check if Jira and Confluence has the following parameter set in the respective instance
The cause of the issue is the mentioned parameter above where it needs to be "false"
As mentioned before, we would need to set the value to "false"
in order to solve the issue. The steps are:
- Find the and edit the instance
has the parameter set.- Jira Installation Directory > conf > server.xml
- Confluence Installation Directory > conf > server.xml
Find the parameter:
Change the value to
- Save the file and restart the instance to take effect.