HealthCheck: Shared Home

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This check tests that each node in the cluster is using the same shared home, by reading & writing to/from a node status file in the shared home directory with relevant metadata in it.

Understanding the Results

IconResultWhat this means
The health check passed successfully.There are no problems with the node status file or shared home configuration.
Node <node> is not using the correct shared home <shared-home>.The JIRA shared home is incorrectly configured for the reported node.
Node <node> is not actively using shared home <shared-home>. Last update was <seconds> ago.The reported node has not made any changes to the shared home directory within the reported number of seconds.


The node is not using the correct shared home.

Check the file in each node's $JIRA_HOME and confirm the value: jira.shared.home is set to the same location for all nodes. This is detailed further in Installing JIRA Data Center.

The node is not reporting a failure, however the file is correctly configured.
  • Check that any file system mappings or mounts for the shared home are consistent across each of the JIRA Data Center nodes and all nodes can connect to the shared home.
  • Verify if there are any file system permission problems.

There are exceptions thrown around permission denied errors in the JIRA logs.

Run through the Actions in Jira server fails with FileNotFoundException in the Jira logs KB article to verify the permissions are correctly set.

Providing Information to Support

In case you are unable to troubleshoot and fix the problem by yourself, please create a support ticket at and attach the following information to the ticket:

  • Take a Screenshot of the Health Check results.
  • Collect a Support ZIP from each of the Data Centre nodes.
  • Any collected information from the suggestions in this document.

Last modified on Feb 19, 2016

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