High memory usage due to leaking ThreadLocal variables from GroovyCustomField

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Platform notice: Server and Data Center only. This article only applies to Atlassian products on the Server and Data Center platforms.

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*Except Fisheye and Crucible


At large JIRA instances and heavy load GroovyCustomField can leak  ThreadLocal variables, that will cause high memory usage and lead to OOM. 



  • ScriptRunner for JIRA  version 4.0 - 5.0.14

Diagnostic Steps

From heap dump you can see the following problem:

Class Name                                                               | Shallow Heap | Retained Heap | Percentage
https-jsse-nio- Thread
org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskThread @ 0x35d8687b8                  |       128 |   110,127,096 |   0.61%
|- java.lang.ThreadLocal$ThreadLocalMap @ 0x6213b4820                    |        24 |   110,121,168 |   0.61%
|  '- java.lang.ThreadLocal$ThreadLocalMap$Entry[32768] @ 0x360a14568    |   131,088 |   110,121,144 |   0.61%
|     |- java.lang.ThreadLocal$ThreadLocalMap$Entry @ 0x5937be410        |        32 |   109,711,184 |   0.61%
|     |  '- java.util.LinkedHashMap @ 0x5937be430                        |        56 |   109,711,152 |   0.61%
|     |     |- java.util.HashMap$Node[524288] @ 0x38082b4a8              | 2,097,168 |     2,097,168 |   0.01%
|     |     |- java.util.LinkedHashMap$Entry @ 0x4b3af5040               |        40 |       298,720 |   0.00%
|     |     |- java.util.LinkedHashMap$Entry @ 0x393ac05e8               |        40 |       216,392 |   0.00%
|     |     |- java.util.LinkedHashMap$Entry @ 0x35d057238               |        40 |        97,344 |   0.00%
|     |     '- Total: 25 of 247,676 entries; 247,651 more                |           |               |        

Note 247k entries for ThreadLocal, and size 100MB.  Referent: com.onresolve.scriptrunner.customfield.GroovyCustomField$1


Class NameObjectsShallow HeapRetained Heap
char[]70,599,1749,251,242,216>= 9,251,242,216
java.lang.String70,488,6321,691,727,168>= 10,844,317,840
java.util.LinkedHashMap$Entry20,774,537830,981,480>= 8,357,527,664
java.util.HashMap$Node18,619,919595,837,408>= 4,209,784,280
java.util.HashMap$Node[]2,300,341383,801,528>= 4,551,997,344
java.util.HashMap2,230,648107,071,104>= 4,449,251,032

So we see LinkedHashMap using 8GB+ data and there are 20M objecst, same structure as above.

If we check specifically ThreadLocal, we can see that they are using 8GB+

Class Name                                                      | Objects | Shallow Heap |    Retained Heap
java.lang.ThreadLocal$ThreadLocalMap                            |     870 |       20,880 | >= 8,695,572,600
|- java.lang.ThreadLocal$ThreadLocalMap$Entry[]                 |     870 |    8,828,768 |                 
|  |- java.lang.Class                                           |       1 |            0 |                 
|  |- java.lang.ThreadLocal$ThreadLocalMap$Entry                | 206,026 |    6,592,832 |                 
|  |  |- char[]                                                 |     468 |      632,624 |       >= 632,624
|  |  |- com.atlassian.jira.web.filters.ThreadLocalQueryProfiler|     302 |        7,248 |     >= 8,916,904
|  |  |- java.util.LinkedHashMap                                |     161 |        9,016 | >= 8,516,389,472


Bug in ScriptRunner:

The problem is that script field values are cached in thread locals, when there is a full reindex done for instance, there will be a long-running thread, and the script field values are not cleared from the thread local.

see related;




Upgrade ScriptRunner to 5.2.2+ version. Note it's compatible with Jira Server 7.2.0+. 

Last modified on Dec 13, 2017

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