How To Bulk Remove User Access From Jira During Maintenance Or For Test Instances

Platform Notice: Cloud, Server, and Data Center - This article applies equally to all platforms.

Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.

*Except Fisheye and Crucible


Sometimes it is necessary to disable your users' access to JIRA during maintenance windows while you are importing or exporting your environment, or bulk disable unnecessary users following an import to a test instance. 


This KB is applicable only for Jira 8.0 and later and for Cloud


During an Import or Export of your Environment or other maintenance windows, you want to disable user JIRA access to prevent any changes during that period. 


  1. Choose  > User Management (g+g > User Management). Under Add Group enter a name for the group that you, for this example, we are using a name of Limited-Access and click on Add Group 
  2. Add your Admin Account(s), or any users that need to maintain access to this instance
  3. For Server and DataCenter : choose  > JIRA Administration > Applications> Application Access, (or g+g > Application Access) and Add the new group Limited-Access to the application. See also Manage group access to applications
    For Cloud : go to Settings > User management and then, select Application access.  Add the new group Limited-Access to the application. See also Atlassian Cloud: Application access
  4. Change the Default  to the new group. Note down which group was Default, usually this would be jira-software-users or jira-servicedesk-users, but this might be different in your environment
  5. Remove other groups from the Application access. Note down which groups you have removed
  6. Perform the necessary maintenance and once complete, add back the previous removed groups back and change the Default back as well.

Last modified on Feb 15, 2023

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