How to restrict the creation of an issue based on issuetype

Platform Notice: Cloud - This article applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.


Currently, all users with the  Create Issues  permissions can create issues of any type. The "Create Issues" permission applies to all issue types, so it's not possible to restrict users to create issues of certain types through the permission scheme. 


Jira Cloud


If the requirement is to restrict issue creation of certain types to certain users, you can use a Workflow validator in the create issue transition. 

Let's say the requirement is that only a specific group of users should be able to create Epic. Following is the workaround to achieve this:

  • Prerequisite: Other issue types must have separate workflows from the restricted issue type like Epic.
  • How it will work?: By default, create Issue transitions have 'Only users with Create Issues permission can execute this transition.' validator in them. You can delete this validator and replace it with something like 'Only users with Administer Projects permission can execute this transition.' (Note we can use any other permission also). Once configured, the users without this permission can click create and choose Epic as an issue type, however, when they click save they will get an error message. Configuring advanced issue workflows documents outlines the steps to configure a validator. 

We do have Feature Requests to implement this requirement:

Last modified on Mar 21, 2024

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