How to search for issues where the time spent is more than the original estimate?

Platform Notice: Cloud - This article applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.


This article provides the steps to check for issues where the time spent is more than the original estimate or the issues that are nearing their original estimate.


Jira Cloud only.


We can make use of the workratio function in JQL to get the list of these issues. The work ratio is calculated as follows:

workRatio = (timeSpent / originalEstimate) x 100

  • So if you're looking for issues where the work logged is more than the estimated time, you can use the expression: workratio > 100.
  • Similarly, the JQL expression workratio < 100 will return the issues where the time spent is less than the original estimate.
  • We can also search for issues where a certain percentage of the estimated time is exhausted. For instance, to find the issues where more than 90% of the estimate is already exhausted, the JQL expression will be as follows: workratio > 90
  • This JQL expression can also be used in automation rules to notify the assignees if the work logged on an issue is approaching the estimated time.

This JQL expression works only with Jira's native time-tracking fields. It won't work if you're using any third-party apps for time tracking since it takes into account the Time Spent and Original Estimate fields.

Last modified on Jun 25, 2024

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