HTTP Error 500.51 when attempting to access Jira through IIS
After following all the steps from Integrate Jira server and IIS with Application Request Routing, you are now getting the error HTTP error 500.51 - URL Rewrite Module Error when you attempt to access Jira through IIS.
The error normally indicates a problem with the URL Rewrite's Pattern present in the rule.
Make sure you have a URL Rewrite rule created as specified in step 4 from this article:
- Add a new URL Rewrite Rule for
- From the IIS7 Console, click on and open URL Rewrite:
- From the Actions panel on the right hand side, select "Add Rules" and choose "Blank Rule";
- Set Match URL to:
- Requested URL: Matches the Pattern
- Using: Regular Expressions
- Pattern: (.*)
- Ignore Case: Checked
- Set Action to:
- Action Type: Rewrite
- Rewrite URL: http://<JIRA_url:Port>/{R:1}
- Append query string: Checked
- Mark Stop processing of subsequent rules;
- From the IIS7 Console, click on and open URL Rewrite:
- Restart IIS
NOTE: In some cases, the error will persist even after following the above steps, if that is happening to you, it is possible you have a URL Rewrite Rule at the SERVER level:
- If that is your case, make the you change the Pattern to ".*" instead of "*".
- Or, you may choose to disable this rule, if not required.