Jira Service Management common requests/issues

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Platform Notice: Cloud Only - This article only applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.


The purpose of this documentation is to clarify some of the most frequent requests the Jira Service Management support team receives when it comes to the Customer Portal, Customer notifications, and Basic permissions.

On this page:

An Org & Site and Jira administrator can’t see all tickets in the Customer Portal

The Customer Portal is a place where customers can view the tickets they created and also the ones that were shared with them (Organizations and Request participants).

The filters on the Portal are hard coded which means that can’t be changed.

When accessing Requests > Created by me the filter would be:

reporter = currentUser() AND resolution is EMPTY

Via the Requests page, the current user who is logged in can select different statuses and request types to better filter the requests.

When changing from Created by me to another option from the dropdown, it will show the following tickets:

Created by anyone

It will show all tickets where the current user is the Reporter, Request participant, or tickets shared with an Organization the current user is a member of.

Where I am a participant

It shows tickets where the current user is not the reporter, but a Request participant.

Shared with my organizations

If the current user is a member of more than one Organization, the tickets from all Orgs will be shown when using this filter.

Below this option, it will then show the names of Organizations so the tickets can be filtered by single Orgs.

The reason why a Site/Org and Jira administrator can’t view all the tickets via the Customer Portal is due to this reason.

As an administrator, the correct place to view all the tickets is direct via the Project Queues or via Filters > Advanced search.

The customer is not receiving notifications about updates to their tickets

There are two main reasons why a customer doesn’t receive notifications of their request.

The Request type is empty on the ticket:

When the Request type is “None” it means that the customer won’t be able to view the ticket via the portal and the notification also won’t be triggered.

An empty Request type happens when a ticket is created via Jira (Create button on the topbar) or when a ticket is moved between issue types or projects.

Customers only receive notifications if this field is correctly set.

To prevent the Request type from being empty, refer to the following documentation:

Customer unsubscribed from notifications:

Each notification has a link where customers can turn off notifications:

They can also disable it directly via the Customer Portal:

Other common reasons:

  • There is an Issue security level set to the ticket that doesn’t include the Reporter and Service Project Customer - Portal Access.

  • Customers marked notifications as spam, so even though notifications are being sent by Jira, they won’t receive them.

  • Customer notifications are disabled via Project settings > Customer notifications (company-managed) or Project settings > Notifications > Customer notifications (team-managed).

  • The customer created a rule on their mail client to automatically move Jira notifications to another folder or to automatically delete them.

The customer is unable to see the request in the Customer Portal

The causes for this problem are similar to the previous one.

For the ticket to be visible in the Portal

  • It must have a Request type.

  • In case there is an Issue Security, the security level must include the Reporter and Service Project Customer - Portal Access.

  • The person trying to access the ticket must be the Reporter, Request participant, or member of an organization the ticket was shared with.

  • The ticket needs to be under a Service project. 
    • When a ticket is created on a Service project and then moved to a Jira Software or Jira Work Management project, the customer won't be able to view it until the ticket is moved back to a Service project.

More reasons and detailed information can be found in the documentation below:

A Jira administrator is unable to configure the Service project

In order to manage a Service project, the requirements are:

  • Have a Jira Service Management license.

  • Have Jira administrator permission.

  • Be listed as an Administrator via Project settings > People.

Related documentation:

A user was added to the Service Desk Team role, but once they log in they are redirected to the Customer Portal

Adding a user without product access to the Service Desk Team role via Project settings > People won’t allow them to view the project internally. A Service Management agent is a combination of a Service Management license + Service Desk Team role.

Also, adding a Jira Software user to the Service Desk Team role won't allow them to act as an agent, it will be necessary to have a license.

The assignee of a ticket can’t see the ticket in the portal

An assignee can only view a ticket in the portal by clicking on View request in portal directly on a ticket.

Accessing the Customer Portal and clicking on Requests, won’t show tickets assigned to an agent.

As mentioned on the first topic of this documentation, only the Reporter, Request participant, and member of an Organization the ticket was shared with will be able to view the requests when accessing the portal. The assignee can only access the ticket via the direct link on the internal tickets.

The ticket doesn't transition when the agent or customer adds a comment

On the Legacy automation and on Automation, it’s possible to create a rule to transition tickets from Waiting for Support to Waiting for Customer and vice versa when a comment is added.

Sometimes this rule won’t transition issues and the most common cause for this is due to the Assignee also being listed on a Customer role, this means, the Assignee is listed as a Request participant or member of an Organization the ticket was shared with.

It’s important to make sure that the Assignee is not added as a Participant or added to Organizations to prevent these permission issues.

In case other agents need to receive notifications or also collaborate on a ticket, they can set themselves as Watchers.

Other than issues with the Automation, adding an Agent as a Participant or Member of an Org can cause issues with SLAs.

JSDCLOUD-7546 - Getting issue details... STATUS

A Jira and Project administrator can’t view Queues, Reports, and other options on the project sidebar

When adding a new Org, Site, and Jira administrator, depending on the Product access settings, a Jira Service Management license is not automatically granted.

If a Jira administrator who is also a Project administrator is unable to view specific features on Service projects such as Queues, Reports, Change calendar, Customers, Knowledge base, among other features, it’s due to not having a Service Management product access (license).

Last modified on Jan 8, 2024

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