Setup OAuth Custom Mail Handler when using SSO


Platform Notice: Cloud - This article applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.



When using a custom email account to handle emailed requests for your Jira Service Management Project (which is using Basic Authentication) you may see a multitude of disconnects within your Connectivity Logs for your custom email account. This is due to the deprecation of Basic Authentication, in favor of using Open Authentication. We recommend switching to OAuth as soon as possible as it provides more security without needing to share your password. However, when using SSO with your Jira site and trying to migrate from Basic Authentication to Open Authentication, you will experience an issue with authenticating, which will prevent completing this setup. The scenario and solution below describe what happens and how to solve it.


You are looking to update your Jira Service Management email channel to use Open Authentication instead of Basic Authentication, in favor of a stable and reliable connection between Jira and your custom mail account. However, you have Single Sign-On enabled and when trying to connect the custom email account over OAuth it tries to connect to your own User Email Account instead. This loop therefore doesn’t allow you to connect your Custom Mail Handler over OAuth when using SSO.


In this scenario, you will need to "trick" Jira into allowing the Custom Email Account to authenticate over SSO instead of your email account.

  1. So you first need to log in to SSO and your Jira Account

  2. Then sign out of SSO only.

    1. This will allow you to stay in Jira but be logged out of SSO.

  3. Now that you are in Jira with your Atlassian Account, you need to add the Custom Email Account to the Project.

    1. This will allow for the Authentication to be through the custom email account instead of your Atlassian Account's Email Address as there is no one logged in over SSO. Then, you can simply log in using the custom email account credentials instead.

      1. More information on the OAuth process as well can be found using the link below:

Last modified on Mar 21, 2024

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