Unable to do bulk edit using the option Transition issues

Platform Notice: Cloud - This article applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.


Unable to bulk move issues using the action - Transition issues using the Bulk update option.


Trying to bulk update an issue and using the transition issue option, the steps are successfully completed and does not show any errors, but the issue are never migration to a different status. We have seen that the workflow transition was not successful, as the workflow had a validator, where a custom date field needs to have a value and checking one of the cases, we saw that it was empty.

This is probably because, in the particular transition workflow for ex: in progress, there was a validator, where a custom field needs to have a value or meet a condition. Checking one of the cases which was supposed to be transitioned, the value in the field was empty.


Here the workflow had a validator, where a custom date field needs to have a value and checking one of the cases, it was empty.  If you have many issues like this to be updated, where this field is empty, then it's best to Bulk update them to a value first.

Now in order to bulk update the issues with a date on this custom field value, you can use the same bulk update option on the issue navigator and choose "Edit issues" which will help to edit the values of the field you require.

Complete the steps to update the field with the value and then try to bulk move using the action - Transition issues using the same bulk update option.

Last modified on Dec 4, 2024

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