Available custom fields for next-gen projects

Customize an issue's fields in next-gen projects

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descriptionCustomize the fields that appear on your team-managed software project's issues. Here's a list of the types of fields you can add to collect the right information every time.

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There are a few different types of fields you can customize to capture different types of information on your team-managed project's issue types. Learn more about fields in team-managed projects.

Fields in team-managed projects are contained within the project itself. Currently, you can't share a field created in one team-managed project with another team-managed project, or with a company-managed project. Learn more about custom field types in company-managed projects.

 Checkbox fields

Checkbox fields allow people to select multiple options from a list. In company-managed projects, these are called "select list (multiple choices)" or "multi-select" fields. Checkbox fields help with data entry by reducing entry errors that could appear in free-form text fields, for example. They also increase correct completions by limiting the options a person has to complete the field.

You can add up to 55 options to a checkbox field.

 Date fields

Date fields allow people to provide date information using a calendar selection. In company-managed projects, these are called "date picker" fields. People can also complete the field by typing dates into the field.

Dependent dropdown fields

Dependent dropdown fields let people pick their options from two dropdown lists - parent list and child list (sub-list). In company-managed projects, these are called “select list (cascading)” fields.

Dependent dropdown fields help categorize a long list of options into parent lists and child lists, and reduce the number of choices needed to correctly complete the field. When a user selects an option from the parent dropdown list, the child dropdown list is populated with options based on the parent option.

 Dropdown fields

Dropdown fields allow people to select a single option from a list. In company-managed projects, these are called "select list (single choice)" or "single-select" fields. Dropdown fields help with data entry by reducing entry errors that could appear in free-form text fields, for example. They also increase correct completions by limiting the options a person has to complete the field.

You can add up to 55 options in a dropdown field.

 Labels fields

Label fields allow people to tag issues with reusable text snippets entered as free form text. Jira suggests existing labels to help reduce entry errors. People can also create new labels by typing into the label field.Labels are pretty powerful as your project matures. They can be used for sorting and filtering issues on the board, as well as reporting. You can add up to 55 labels in a label field.

 Number fields

Number fields allow people to provide numerical information as free-form text. A single line text box allows people to complete the field with a number. People can safely enter numbers between -1 trillion and 1 trillion (100,000,000,000,000). 

Keep in mind:

  • Jira rounds decimals to the nearest 1000th place. For example, 5.555555 will be rounded to 5.556. 
  • People can enter large numbers using scientific notation. For example, the number 5,000 can be entered as 5e3.

 Paragraph fields

Paragraph fields allow people to provide information as free-form text. In company-managed projects, these are called "text field (multi-line)" or "multi-line text" fields. The field appears as a rich-text editor, allowing people to format the text with headings, bold, italic or other font treatments. People can also complete the field by including links, @mentions, emojis, info panels and other rich text components. The field's size and treatment is meant to encourage detailed, longer-form responses to complete the field.

You can add up to 32,767 characters into a paragraph field.Currently, you can only add paragraph fields to the Description section of your issue types in team-managed software projects.

 People fields

People fields allow your team to insert people’s names from across your Jira site into a field on your issue view. In company-managed projects, these are called "user picker" fields. If you want to use names of people outside your Jira site, use the short text or labels fields instead.

Jira doesn't send notifications to people when you use their name to complete a custom people field.

By default, the people field allows you to insert multiple names to complete the field. You can restrict the people field to only accept a single person by ticking the Restrict to a single person checkbox.

Take care when restricting a field to a single person, especially if the field has been in use in your project. If you have issues that collected multiple people in a field and, later, you restrict that field to a single person, a few things happen:

  • The field will only accept a single person in any newly created issues.

  • Previously created issues that contained multiple people in your field will retain all the people associated with the field. However, if you edit the issue, Jira will ask you to fix the field so it only contains one person.

  • Any Update an issue field rules on your board that use the field will break. Since Jira doesn’t know the most appropriate person to complete the field automatically, we don’t complete the field at all. We recommend you remove these rules and recreate them.

 Short text fields

Short text fields allow people to provide information as free-form text. In company-managed projects, these are called "text field (single line)" fields or "single-line text" fields. This field appears as a single line text box, to encourage concise responses for completing the field. It captures only plain text responses.Currently, you can only add short text fields to the Context section of your issue types in team-managed software projects.

 Time stamp fields

Time stamp fields allow people to provide time of day information using a calendar and dropdown time selector. In company-managed projects, these are called "date time picker" fields. Time stamp fields have two input areas: one to specify the date, and one to specify the time.

The time tracking field

The time tracking field allows people to log how much time they work on an issue. It also shows how much time is remaining after your team first estimates the work needed. Read more about logging time.

Last modified on Feb 21, 2025

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