Marketplace apps for Confluence that are available in cloud with migration paths

Information regarding Confluence Marketplace apps with available cloud migration paths and Confluence apps with cloud versions under development.

About this page

This page lists the Public Beta Confluence Marketplace apps on server / Data Center that have built a migration path for customers to migrate their app data to cloud. As part of their migration path, these apps have provided documentation about:

  • feature differences between the server / Data Center and cloud app.

  • server / Data Center to cloud migration instructions.

Also outlined are Confluence cloud apps under development, where Marketplace Partners have provided us with their public development plans. 

Sections on this page


  • These lists may not accurately represent all Marketplace apps that currently have migration paths, or have provided documentation. If an app you have in server or Data Center is missing from these lists, we recommend that you contact the Marketplace Partner directly to inquire about compatibility and / or steps to migrate data to cloud.
  • We cannot verify the accuracy of feature differences and migration instruction documentation, and the migration capability of each app as this relies on the respective Marketplace Partner.
  • A similar list is available for Marketplace apps for Jira with migration paths.
  • If you are a Marketplace Partner and your app is missing from this list, please use our Marketplace Migration REST APIs to surface app migration information which includes the following:
    • migration path compatibility with the Atlassian Cloud Migration Assistants

    • URL for feature difference documentation

    • URL for migration path documentation

    • URL for cloud development roadmap

This above information will be surfaced to customers in the Atlassian Cloud Migration Assistants.
If you're experiencing an issue with our API's, please raise a ticket with Marketplace Partner support.

Confluence apps with migration paths

App nameMarketplace Partner nameMigration PathwayFeature Differences*App version with migrated pathway
Advanced Panelboxes for Confluencebitvoodoo agAutomatedNil4.0.0
Advanced Tables for ConfluenceAppfireDocumentedDifferencesN/A
Agile Retrospectives for ConfluenceEncora Nearshore, LLC.AutomatedDifferences1.9.0
Announcer for ConfluenceAppfireAutomatedDifferences4.2.0
Attachment Tracking for Confluencebitvoodoo agDocumentedNilN/A
Balsamiq Wireframes for ConfluenceBalsamiqDocumentedDifferencesN/A
Better Blogs for ConfluenceGLiNTECHAutomatedDifferences1.5.1
BPMN Modeler Enterpriseviadee Unternehmensberatung AGAutomatedNil3.22.1-ENTERPRISE
Cenote Lockpoint - Attachment Check-outCenoteDocumentedDifferencesN/A
Comala Document ManagementAppfireAutomatedDifferences6.16.11
Composition Tabs for ConfluenceServiceRocketAutomatedDifferences5.14.1
ConfiForms - Data Forms & Workflows forVertuna LLCAutomatedDifferences2.20.0
Confluence Command Line Interface (CLI)AppfireDocumentedDifferencesN/A
Content Formatting for ConfluenceVECTORSAutomatedDifferences3.1.0
Mosaic: Content Formatting Macros & Templates

Kolekti (part of The Adaptavist Group)



Copy Page TreeAppfireAutomatedDifferences2.6.44
Custom Charts for Confluence: Jira DashbOld Street SolutionsDocumentedNilN/A
Discussion for ConfluenceVECTORSAutomatedDifferences2.6.0 Diagrams & Whiteboards//SEIBERT/MEDIA - Draw.ioDocumentedNilN/A
Easy Dropdown Menu (Drop down selection)EPS Software Engineering AGAutomatedDifferences6.5.2
EasyMind - Mind Maps for ConfluenceMoroSystems, s.r.o.AutomatedNil2.9.0
Easy Numbered HeadingsAppfireAutomatedDifferences3.1.3
eazyBI Reports and Charts for ConfluenceeazyBIDocumentedNilN/A
Edit Permission InheritancePurde SoftwareAutomatedDifferences1.5.0
Elements Spreadsheet for ConfluenceElementsDocumentedDifferencesN/A
Embed Google MapsTechTime Initiative Group LimitedAutomatedDifferences2.1
Embed Google Maps ProTechTime Initiative Group LimitedAutomatedDifferences0.1.9
Excel for ConfluenceAppfireAutomatedDifferences7.0.0
Excellentable Spreadsheet for ConfluenceAddteq IncDocumentedDifferencesN/A
Forms for ConfluenceKolekti (part of The Adaptavist Group)AutomatedDifferences8.3.0
GitHub Gists in ConfluenceDavid Simpson AppsDocumentedNilN/A
Github Macros for ConfluenceAppfireAutomatedDifferences2.2.0
Gliffy Diagrams for ConfluenceGliffyAutomatedNil9.3.2
Glossary for ConfluenceVECTORSAutomatedDifferences5.1.0
Google Drive & Docs for ConfluenceBilith (GSuite apps)DocumentedDifferencesN/A
Graphviz Diagrams for ConfluenceAppfireAutomatedDifferences3.2.3
Handy Macros for Confluence - FormattingStiltsoft Europe OÜAutomatedDifferences3.1.5
HTML for ConfluenceAppfireAutomatedDifferences5.8.0
Ideation for ConfluenceVECTORSAutomatedDifferences6.0.6
Iframes for ConfluenceModus CreateAutomatedDifferences1.6.17
Image Slider for ConfluenceAppfireAutomatedDifferences4.8.0
Include Bitbucket for Confluence | MarkdMibex Software GmbHDocumentedDifferencesN/A
InVision for ConfluenceInVisionAutomatedDifferences4.0.2
Jupyter Viewer for ConfluenceMibex Software GmbHDocumentedDifferencesN/A
Label Manager for ConfluenceKöstebek TeknolojiDocumentedDifferencesN/A
LaTeX MathAppfireAutomatedDifferences4.2.19
Linking for ConfluenceServiceRocketAutomatedDifferences5.4.3
Markdown Extensions for ConfluenceAppfireAutomatedDifferences2.4.1
Markdown for ConfluenceAppfireAutomatedDifferences3.6.0
Markdown Macro, HTML, PlantUML, LaTeX, DModus CreateAutomatedDifferences1.6.17
Mermaid Charts & Diagrams for Confluenceweweave UG (limited liability)AutomatedDifferences1.0.10
Multivote & Enterprise Survey for ConfluTNG Technology Consulting GmbHDocumentedDifferencesN/A
Navitabs - Tabs for Confluencebitvoodoo agAutomatedNil4.3.0
News Teaser for ConfluenceAppfireAutomatedDifferences3.4.4
Numbered CaptionsAppfireAutomatedDifferences2.1.5
Numbered HeadingsAppfireAutomatedDifferences5.5.5
Open API Documentation for ConfluenceO'Hara GroupDocumentedDifferencesN/A
Page Approval for ConfluenceServiceRocketAutomatedNil5.1.16
Page Tree Creator (Blueprint, Template)EPS Software Engineering AGAutomatedDifferences8.6.0
Page Tree Creator Pro (Blueprint, TemplaEPS Software Engineering AGAutomatedDifferences8.6.0
PocketQuery - SQL & REST for ConfluenceLively AppsDocumentedDifferencesN/A
Polls for ConfluenceAppfireAutomatedDifferences3.10.0
Presenter for Confluenceaddcraft GmbHDocumentedNilN/A
Redirection for ConfluenceServiceRocketAutomatedDifferences5.3.2
Refined for Confluence | Sites & ThemesRefinedDocumentedDifferencesN/A
Refined Toolkit for ConfluenceRefinedDocumentedDifferencesN/A
Reporting for ConfluenceServiceRocketDocumentedNilN/A
Scaffolding Forms & Templates for ConfluServiceRocketAutomatedDifferences8.25.0
ScriptRunner for ConfluenceAdaptavistDocumentedDifferencesN/A
Scroll Documents for ConfluenceK15tDocumentedDifferencesN/A
Scroll ImageMap for ConfluenceK15tDocumentedDifferencesN/A
Scroll PDF Exporter for ConfluenceK15tAutomatedDifferences5.5.1
Scroll Viewport for ConfluenceK15tDocumentedDifferencesN/A
Scroll Word Exporter for ConfluenceK15tAutomatedDifferences5.4.1
Search Analytics for Confluencebitvoodoo agDocumentedNilN/A
Security & Encryption for ConfluenceServiceRocketAutomatedNil3.6.0
Sequence Diagrams for ConfluenceO'Hara GroupDocumentedDifferencesN/A
SharePoint Connector for ConfluenceCommunardo Products GmbHDocumentedDifferencesN/A
Simple CitePurde SoftwareAutomatedDifferences1.15.0
Smart Courses for Confluence - LMSCreativasAutomatedDifferences7.6.0
Smart Images for ConfluenceCreativasAutomatedNil1.0.3
Smart Questions and AnswersPurde SoftwareAutomatedDifferences3.5.0
Smart Terms for Confluence - GlossaryCreativasAutomatedDifferences2.6.0
Source Editor for ConfluenceAppfireAutomatedDifferences3.0.8
Space Admin for ConfluenceDecadis AGDocumentedDifferencesN/A
SQL for Confluence (Pro Edition)AppfireAutomatedDifferences10.4.0
SubSpace Navigation for ConfluenceCommunardo Products GmbHDocumentedDifferencesN/A
SVG outPurde SoftwareAutomatedDifferences2.13.0
Tableau for Confluence - ProModus CreateAutomatedDifferences1.4.3
Table Filter and Charts for ConfluenceStiltsoft Europe OÜAutomatedDifferences6.3.1
Task Reminder for ConfluenceLively AppsDocumentedDifferencesN/A
Team Files: Office 365 & Google Docs forikuTeam (Office 365 & Gsuite Apps)AutomatedDifferences3.0.0
Terms and Conditions for ConfluenceGLiNTECHAutomatedDifferences2.4.1
Translations for Confluencebitvoodoo agAutomatedDifferences1.0.2
Tree ViewPurde SoftwareAutomatedDifferences1.13.0
User Profiles for ConfluenceCommunardo Products GmbHDocumentedDifferencesN/A
Viewtracker - Analytics for Confluencebitvoodoo agAutomatedDifferences7.3.10
Visibility for ConfluenceServiceRocketAutomatedDifferences4.2.2
XSD ViewerAvisi B.V.AutomatedDifferences1.4.6

Confluence apps with cloud versions under development

About this section

These apps are currently not compatible with our cloud products and have provided documentation on development plans. These roadmaps are developed and maintained by the Marketplace Partner and may be subject to change. Contact the Marketplace Partner directly for questions regarding their development plans.

Marketplace Partners may be working on cloud versions for Marketplace apps which are not included in this list. If you are a customer and would like to request a cloud version for a marketplace app, we recommend that you contact the Marketplace Partner directly.

If you are a Marketplace Partner, you can raise a ticket with Marketplace Partner support if:

  • you would like to submit your roadmap for inclusion.

  • this list does not reflect that you have documentation which you’ve already provided. 

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Last modified on Feb 12, 2025

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