Watched Gadget does not show all Watched issues

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Users with the Watched gadget on their dashboard do not get to see all of the issues they're watching


On review, it is determined that the Gadget has the Include Resolved Issues flag turned off.


This is caused by the filter looking for resolution IS EMPTY on the issues to make sure they are unresolved, but the resolution field is either hidden on the issue or not present in the context for this project.


Caused by hidden Resolution field:
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Please follow the steps to Change Field Behaviour. Ensure the Resolution field is not hidden ijn this project.

Caused by Resolution Field not Present in Context:
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Please follow the steps to Change the Custom Field Context. Ensure the Resolution field applies to this project.


  • As this issue is resolved in JIRA 5.2+, the best resolution is to upgrade JIRA.

    (info) Tracked as JRA-30600 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Last modified on Nov 15, 2018

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