Editing an issue workflow

As a Jira administrator, you can configure workflow triggers, conditions, validators, and post functions. This page will provide an overview and basic steps for each part of your workflow. You can then dive into more on the Advanced workflow configuration page.

How to configure triggers

Triggers respond to any number of default and custom events. If you link a software project to Bitbucket repo, for example, you can set up a trigger that transitions an issue from Open to In Progress when a new branch is created. 

In the example below, Jira Software Cloud has been integrated with Bitbucket Server and Crucible.


Start progress
(To DoIn Progress)

Branch created (Bitbucket Server)
Commit created (Bitbucket Server)

Start review
(In ProgressIn Review)

Pull request created (Bitbucket Server)
Pull request reopened ((Bitbucket Server)
Review started (Crucible)

Restart progress
(In ReviewIn Progress)

Pull request declined (Bitbucket Server)
Review rejected (Crucible)
Review abandoned (Crucible)

(In ReviewDone)

Pull request merged (Bitbucket Server)
Review closed (Crucible)

How to add a trigger to a transition

  1. Select > Issues.
  2. Click Workflows.
  3. Select the workflow transition you want to change and click Edit.
  4. In the Workflow Editor, select the transition.

  5. Click Triggers in the properties panel to show the triggers configured for the transition. 
  6. Click Add trigger, select the trigger type you want to use and click next.
  7. Click Add.

How to configure conditions

Conditions let you define which users can perform a specific workflow transition.  control whether a transition can be triggered be executed by the user. The conditions can be used to define rules for the user:

  • Only allow the reporter to execute a transition.
  • Only allow users with a certain permission to execute a transition.
  • Only allow execution only if code has or has not been committed against this issue.

If a condition fails, the user will not see the transition button on the 'View issue' page, and so will not be able to execute the transition.

How to add a condition to a transition

  1. Select > Issues.
  2. Click Workflows.
  3. Select the workflow transition you want to change and click Edit.
  4. In the Workflow Editor, select the transition.

  5. Click Conditions in the properties panel.
  6. You can construct complex conditions by grouping and nesting conditions. Change any condition into a group by clicking Add grouped condition for each condition. You can then add further conditions to this new group.

How to configure validators

Validators check that any input made to the transition is valid before the transition is performed. Input can include that gathered from the user on the transition's screen. If a validator fails, the issue does not progress to the destination status of the transition, and the transition's post functions are not executed. 

How to add a validator to a transition

  1. Select > Issues.
  2. Click Workflows.

  3. Select the workflow transition you want to change and click Edit.

  4. Click Validators in the properties panel and select Add validator.
  5. Select the validator type and click Add.

How to configure post functions

Post functions carry out any additional processing required after a transition is executed, such as:

  • Updating an issue's fields
  • Generating change history for an issue
  • Adding a comment to an issue
  • Generating an event to trigger email notifications

How to add a post function to a transition

  1. Select > Issues.
  2. Click Workflows.

  3. Select the workflow transition you want to change and click Edit.

  4. Click Post functions in the properties panel.

  5. Select the post function and click Add.

How to create a global transition

Global transitions allow any status in a workflow to transition to a particular status.

You can add a global transition:

  • When creating a new status (adding an existing status) – check the Add global transition to status option.
  • By selecting a status and checking Allow all statuses to transition to this one in the properties panel for the status.

How to create two global transition that point to the same destination

To create two global transitions that point to the same destination step:

  1. Go to the workflow editor and create the first global transition by selecting a step and checking Allow all statuses to transition to this one.
  2. Create the second global transition on any other step that does not currently have a global transition pointing to it.
  3. Then from text editor, select the second global transition that you created.
  4. Click on the Edit button and change the Destination Step to the same step that you selected for your first global transition, and then click Update.
Last modified on Nov 17, 2021

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