Setting up Assets - AWS Integration

Here's some information on setting up Assets integration with AWS.

Before you begin

To use this integration, you need:

  • Jira (Core, Software, or Service Management)
  • Assets

Download and install Assets - AWS Integration

Download the latest version from Atlassian Marketplace.

Setting up Assets

You need to set up an import configuration in Assets. For more info, see Importing AWS data into Assets. 

Setting up AWS

Complete these steps to obtain the IAM key, secret, and other details needed for your Assets configuration.

1. Create an IAM user for importing

To create the user and obtain the required key and secret, see AWS Documentation Guide.

2. Create an import policy

  1. Create a policy.
  2. Select JSON and paste the JSON text from the following file: Assets_Import-Policy-Permissions.json
  3. Save the policy, for example as Assets import permissions

    Remember that you need to update the policy when adding a new service support. Then, add the date of the policy as Sid (statement ID) in the JSON Text.

3. Assign the policy to the IAM user

Assign the policy to the user you created for importing.

4. Create an SSM policy and role

To get detailed attributes for the EC2 instance, you need to have the SSM-Agent installed on the EC2 instance and create an SSM role and attach them to your instances.

  1. Create a policy.
  2. Select JSON and paste the JSON text from the following file: SSM-Role-Policy-Permissions.json
  3. Save the policy, for example as Assets SSM role.
  4. Change the Trusted Relationships for the role to the following JSON: SSM-Role-Trust-relationships.json

If the Agent isn't available or the role isn't assigned, the information specified in SSM instance details below won't be imported.

For more information about SSM, see AWS-SSM-Documentation.

SSM instance details

When you have configured the SSM role as described above, Assets - AWS Integration can execute the following commands on your EC2 instance and receive data.

This requires:

  • SSM agent being installed on the EC2 instance
  • SSM role being assigned

For Linux system that don't have the dmidecode installed, the attribute values that need it won't be available.

Windows commands

Instance attributeWindows command
RamGet-WmiObject Win32_PhysicalMemory | select Capacity"
ModelGet-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem | select Model

Get-WmiObject Win32_BIOS | select SerialNumber


Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystemProduct | select UUID


Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystemProduct | select Vendor


(Date)-([Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDateTime((gwmi Win32_OperatingSystem).LastBootUpTime))


Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem | select Caption, Manufacturer, OSArchitecture, Version, BuildNumber, ServicePackMajorVersion, ServicePackMinorVersion | Format-List


Get-WmiObject Win32_Processor | select Caption, Name, DeviceID, NumberOfCores, MaxClockSpeed | Format-List

UNIX commands

Instance attributeUNIX command
Ramegrep '^MemTotal' /proc/meminfo
Modeldmidecode | grep 'Product'

dmidecode | grep 'Serial Number'


dmidecode | grep 'UUID'


dmidecode | grep 'Manufacturer'


uptime -p


uname -o -r -i -m && cat /etc/*release


egrep '^(model name|cpu MHz|[pP]rocessor|physical id|cpu cores)' /proc/cpuinfo

Last modified on Mar 7, 2025

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