2. Considerations before migrating

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With the release of Advanced Roadmaps (formerly known as Portfolio for Jira) 3.0 and later, the use of classic plans will not be supported. You will no longer be able to access or update any of your classic plans. We recommend that you migrate from classic plans to plans with the improved interface.

If you have any issues or concerns, let us know via portfoliofeedback@atlassian.com.

  1. 1. Understand the types of plans
  2. 2. Considerations before migrating
  3. 3. Migrate classic plan data to a live plan
  4. 4. Enable the improved interface in a plan

Depending on how your teams work, you'll need to consider first the type of plan that you'll be migrating your classic plan data into either a plan with the improved interface or a live plan.

To use the latest and greatest features, we recommend you migrate from classic plans to plans with the improved interface.

Migrating to plans with the improved interface

To migrate from classic plans to plans with the improved interface, you'll need to:

  1. Migrate your classic plan data into a live plan.
  2. Once you have your live plan ready, enable the improved interface in that plan.

Required migration path


This means that:

  1. You'll first need to be running on any version from 2.21 to 2.27 of Portfolio for Jira.
  2. Once you're running on any of these versions, you can then proceed to migrating your classic plan data to a live plan.
  3. Once you've migrated your classic plan data to a live plan, you can then proceed to upgrading to Advanced Roadmaps (formerly known as Portfolio for Jira) 3.0 or later.

Why should you migrate to the improved interface

The improved interface offers multiple advantages over classic plans. Most importantly, however, is the fact that the improved interface relies on real-time, dynamic data. Meanwhile, in classic plans, data is stored independently.

Rather than having to import data to a classic plan, you can define projects, boards, or filters as issue sources  instead. With issue sources configured, real-time data is automatically surfaced, and you can quickly save any changes you make in your plan.

Migration to live plans

To migrate from classic plans to live plans, you'll only need to migrate your classic plan data into a  live plan.

Required migration path (minimum version)


This means that:

  1. You'll first need to be running on any version from 2.21 to 2.27 of Portfolio for Jira.
  2. Once you're running on any of these versions, you can then proceed to migrating your classic plan data to a live plan.

Recommended migration path


Even if you prefer to use live plans, and not plans with the improved interface, we still highly recommend that you ultimately upgrade to Advanced Roadmaps (formerly Portfolio for Jira) 3.0 or later. This is so that you would have access to the latest and greatest features, and should you change your mind later on, you can already easily enable the improved interface for any of your live plans.

Things to consider before you migrate

After migrating from classic plans to plans with the improved interface, you'll need to reconfigure the following items for each new plan:

Initiative relationship

If migrating from classic plans to plans with the improved interface or live plans

The "parent-child" relationship of initiatives and epics will not be automatically set. The issue links may already be created between the initiatives and epics in the tickets themselves, but you'll still need to set the parent initiatives for all your epics.

If you're already using a live plan

If you're already using a live plan and you're simply enabling the improved interface in that plan, then the "parent-child" relationship of initiatives and epics are already automatically set.

Team data

Teams, team members, availabilities, and velocities will not carry over during migration. You'll need to create the teams, add members, and configure other team settings as needed.

Also, individual availabilities are no longer supported in the improved interface.

Plan configurationsConfigurations of your plan, such as default estimates, will not carry over during your migration. They will need to be reconfigured once your migration is complete.
Sprint creation

If you have sprints in your classic plans that you want to be available when you migrate to the improved interface, then you'll need to create these sprints in Jira. The advantage of sprints in the improved interface is that these are the actual sprints in Jira. This way, you can directly plan and groom your actual sprints in Advanced Roadmaps.

The following items will not be migrated and cannot be reconfigured in the improved interface:

Earliest start dates

Earliest start dates are not readily available in the improved interface.

You can still use earliest start dates and other custom dates that you may have configured before enabling the improved interface. However, you'll first need to add these custom fields to your plan.

Scheduled start and end dates

The calculated dates from classic plans won't be directly accessible in the improved interface. The dates will need to be reproduced by either:

  • using the auto-scheduling functionality, or
  • manually scheduling the issues on the timeline, using the new drag-and-drop functionality. Alternatively, you can manually enter target start and target end dates in the fields section.
Stages and skills

Stages and skills are not supported in the improved interface for the following reasons:

  1. There's low usage of stages across plans.
  2. Stages require regular, manual maintenance.
  3. There's no way to integrate stages with Jira.
  4. Usage of stages contradicts with the workflows in Jira.
ThemesThemes are no longer available in the improved interface. Instead, we're replicating much of its value by providing flexible coloring options for labels and other custom fields.

Last modified on Aug 7, 2020

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