Install Assets Discovery

To use Assets Discovery, you first must download the Assets Discovery software package and extract the contents, then configure Discovery, and then run the local executable.

Before you begin

  • Make sure to check the system requirements.
  • You must have Jira Admin permissions as well as administrator permissions on your Windows or Linux system to install Assets Discovery.

  • Assets Discovery requires both Jira Service Management and Assets in Jira Service Management to function.

Download Discovery

  • You can download Discovery for both Cloud and Data Center from the Atlassian Marketplace.
  • If you're using Jira Service Management Data Center, note that Assets Discovery has two parts: the Discovery app and the Discovery tool.
    Once you install the app, you can use it to download the Discovery tool. Go to Manage Apps > Assets Discovery > Discovery Download and download the tool from the link on the page.

Extracting Discovery

Assets Discovery is available in the form of a package that contains MSI (Microsoft Installer) installers for the Discovery Tools (Assets Discovery and the Assets Discovery collector) and the Assets Discovery Agent. Before you run Assets Discovery, you must unpack the package and install the application into a directory on your local system.

After downloading Discovery:

  1. Create a directory to hold the tool. Note that Assets Discovery Tool must be able to both read and write data within this directory. 
    1. For Windows users, we recommend creating a new directory in C:\Program Files. Or, you can use the default folder C:\Program Files\Atlassian\Discovery Tools, which is automatically selected when you run the installer.
    2. For Unix users, we recommend creating a new directory in /opt/.
  2. Unpack the files from the Assets Discovery package into your directory and install Discovery.

    1. If you’re using a Windows machine, run Discovery_Tools_Setup.msi installer package. If you’re installing the agent, use the Discovery_Agent_Setup.msi package. 

    2. If you’re using a Linux machine, you'll need an additional package to unpack MSI.

How to use Assets Discovery

After downloading and installing Discovery, follow the four steps outlined below to start using Discovery:


Configure the settings in Assets Discovery

Before you can scan your local system you should configure settings such as the general settings for the tool, the settings that determine which patterns are detected, the range of IP addresses you want to scan, and the credentials that are used to access the assets in your network. Learn how to set up Assets Discovery
Prepare to import to Assets in Jira Service Management

Before you can start importing the data Discovery has scanned, you’ll need to create an import configuration in Jira Service Management:

  • Cloud - Use the Discovery import import type, which is available by default in Jira Service Management Cloud, to create an import configuration.
  • Data Center - Once you install the Discovery app, you'll see a new import type in Assets. How to create an import configuration
Run Assets Discovery

To generate information about your network, Assets Discovery must be run so it can scan your local system.

Assets Discovery will generate a data file containing detailed information about your network and the devices in it. The default location of this data file is the \scans folder in the root directory of Discovery. Learn how to run up Assets Discovery

Make use of the data collected by Discovery

You can transfer the resulting data to a different location in three different ways:

  1. using the Asset Discovery collector
  2. configuring exports from the Discovery tool
  3. manually importing it into Assets in Jira Service Management.
  • You must have Jira admin permissions - as well as administrator permissions on your Windows or Linux system - to use these tools.

  • Importing data for the first time? Learn the best practices

Last modified on May 27, 2024

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