Tips of the Trade

Contributing to the Crowd Documentation

On this page

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Below are some links to external blog posts and articles containing technical tips and instructions on setting up and using Crowd. This page presents an opportunity for customers and community authors to share information and experiences.

The references here are specific to Crowd and are technical 'how to' guides written by bloggers who use Crowd. For more general information on identity management solutions, best practices and business cases, please refer to the Atlassian website.

Please be aware that these are external blogs and articles.

Most of the links point to external sites, and some of the information is relevant to a specific release of Crowd. Atlassian provides these links because the information is useful and relevant at the time it was written. Please check carefully whether the information is still relevant when you read it, and whether it is relevant to your version of Crowd. Unless explicitly stated, Atlassian does not offer support for third-party extensions or plugins. The information in the linked blog posts has not been tested or reviewed by Atlassian. We recommend that you test all solutions on a test server before trying them on your production site.

On this page:

Application Connectors

  • By: Rob Di Marco, on GitHub
  • About: Integrating Crowd with OmniAuth to allow Rack-based applications (such as Rails, Sinatra) to use Crowd as an authentication source
  • Date and Crowd version: March 2011, Crowd 2.2
Integrating Enterprise Tester with Crowd – A .Net Integration
  • By: Catch Limited, on the 'Atlassian Blog'
  • About: Integrating Enterprise Tester, a .Net application, with Crowd. Enterprise Tester is a test management solution from Catch Limited.
  • Date and Crowd version: 8 July 2010
  • Related documentation: Microsoft .NET Client
Three's a Crowd - securing a Grails application with Acegi and Crowd
  • By: Kate Ellingburg, on the 'Atlassian Blog'
  • About: How to get Grails, Acegi and Crowd going together
  • Date and Crowd version: 4 March 2008; Crowd 1.3
  • Related documentation: Integrating Crowd with Spring Security
SSO for RoundCube Webmail with Atlassian Crowd
Nexus Crowd Plugin Introduction
Integrating Crowd with Subversion
  • By: Trisummit Technologies
  • About: Integrating Crowd with Subversion and Apache
  • Date and Crowd version: 4 April 2010
Install Crowd Apache2 Module
  • By: Scott Herdman, on blog ''
  • About: Integrating Crowd with Apache on Debian
  • Date and Crowd version: 22 July 2009

Directory Connectors

Video – Configuring a Delegated Authentication Directory
  • By: Brendan Patterson, on
  • About: Configuring a Delegated Authentication directory and an LDAP directory connector
  • Date and Crowd version: August 2010; Crowd 2.0
  • Related documentation: Configuring a Delegated Authentication Directory
Video – Configuring a Custom Directory Connector

Remote API

Bulk User Management with Crowd's Remote API
  • By: Andreas Knecht, on the 'Atlassian Blog'
  • About: Adding multiple users to a group in Crowd, using Crowd's remote API and Ruby
  • Date and Crowd version: 11 September 2008; Crowd 1.5
  • Related documentation: Managing Group Members

Performance and Load Testing

Crowd Caching in 1.6
Hammering Crowd
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Have you written a technical tip for Crowd?

Add a comment to this page, linking to your blog post or article. We will include it if the content fits the requirements of this page.

tip/resting Created with Sketch.


Your first port of call should be the author of the linked blog post. If you want to let us know how useful (or otherwise) a linked post is, please add a comment to this page.

Other Sources of Information

Crowd documentation
Atlassian website
Answers from the community
Atlassian Blog
Crowd plugins

Last modified on Apr 15, 2024

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