Integrating Crowd with Atlassian Crucible

You can use Crowd to provide external authentication and authorization for Atlassian's Crucible code review tool.

Crucible and FishEye

When you purchase and install Crucible, you may also purchase Atlassian's FishEye source-repository viewer. If you have both FishEye and Crucible, they will share a common authentication mechanism and integration with Crowd. Crucible and FishEye will authenticate to Crowd using the same application name and password. See Integrating Crowd with Atlassian FishEye. If you have Crucible only (available from Crucible 1.6), you will need to set up the Crowd directory and application in the same way, following the instructions in Integrating Crowd with Atlassian FishEye.


  1. Download and install Crowd. Refer to the Crowd installation guide for detailed information on how to do this. We will refer to the Crowd root folder as CROWD.
  2. Download and install Crucible. Refer to the Crucible Installation Guide for detailed information on how to do this.
  3. Follow the instructions on integrating Crowd with FishEye.
    For Crucible versions 1.2.x and later, refer to the instructions for FishEye 1.4. For Crucible 1.1.x and earlier, refer to the the instructions for FishEye 1.3.

Configure Authorization in Crucible Projects (If Required)

Optionally, you can now use the Crowd users and/or groups in the permission schemes for your Crucible projects. If you have created groups in the Crowd directory which is mapped to your FishEye application (see Integrating Crowd with Atlassian FishEye), the Crowd groups can be seen in Crucible.

Please refer to the Crucible documentation for instructions on:

  • Creating projects in Crucible (here).
  • Creating permission schemes and assigning them to users and/or groups (here).
  • Linking the permission scheme to a Crucible project (here).

Crowd documentation

Last modified on May 26, 2016

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