Using Discovery on Linux
How do I set up Discovery?
After installing the required Mono packages you can extract the package on your system (for example. /opt/).
Starting from 7.0.0, the above zip file contains an MSI installer. You’ll need to extract the files using a separate package, msiextract, after unzipping the archive.
You can make use of the pre-command mono with the included executables (Discovery.exe, Collector.exe, ScanViewer.exe).
For example, to start the set up for Discovery use mono Discovery.exe -s
How to run scheduled scans?
As you can't install the Discovery and Collector as a Service (Windows-Service) on a Linux System, you'll need to add Cron Tasks that execute the functions to to check the configured settings.
Setup your cron task with sudo permissions sudo crontab -e
Here's some cron examples that you may find useful:
Check the configured scan settings and execute the command every minute.
* * * * * mono /opt/Discovery/Discovery.exe -stsc
Check if data from the agents can be collected from the configured agent IP ranges every ten minutes.
*/10 * * * * mono /opt/Discovery/Discovery.exe -stad
Check if the data can be transferred to the collector every minute.
* * * * * mono /opt/Discovery/Collector.exe
Can I connect to Windows?
As Mono.Net doesn't support WMI, you can't connect a Discovery Tool running on Linux to a Windows system.