Supported platforms

This page lists the supported platforms for  Bitbucket Data Center and Server 8.0.x.

See End of support announcements for upcoming changes to platforms supported by Bitbucket.

Please read the supplied information carefully and check if it applies to your instance. 

(tick) Supported you can use Bitbucket Data Center and Server 8.0.x with this platform.

(info) Limited you can evaluate Bitbucket on this platform, but you can't use it to run a production site. 

(warning) Deprecated support for this platform will end in an upcoming release.


HardwareGood to know




2+ cores


3+ GB

  • You'll need at least 3GB available memory. We recommend 1GB for Bitbucket and an additional 2GB to support Git operations. 
  • Your specific hardware requirements will depend on the number and frequency of Git operations and the number of active users. See Scaling Bitbucket Server for more information. 
  • For setting up Bitbucket Mesh, see requirements for Mesh nodes.


EnvironmentsGood to know

(tick) Linux

(info) Apple macOS

  • In production environments Bitbucket should be run from a dedicated user account.
  • Linux support requires a 2.6.17+ kernel and glibc 2.7+. This means that Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, which uses glibc 2.5, is no longer supported for Bitbucket Server 7.0+. 

Known issues

  • You can't use NFS hosted on Windows for Bitbucket's shared home directory.
  • Apple macOS is evaluation only. MacOS cannot be used for production deployment.

Cloud platforms

Cloud platformsGood to know

(tick) Amazon Web Services (AWS)

(tick) Microsoft Azure

See Recommendations for running Bitbucket in AWS for more information.

Known issues

You can't use Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) for Bitbucket's shared home directory.



Good to know

(tick) Java 11 (supported from 11.0.8+)

(error) Java 10

(error) Java 9

(error) Oracle Java 8u321

(error) Oracle Java 8u311

(tick) Java 8 (supported from 1.8u65+)


If you’re using PostgresSQL and glibc version lower than 2.28 and upgrading your operating system libraries, you’ll need to rebuild the PostgresSQL indices before you start Bitbucket if the upgrade increases the glibc version to 2.28 or later.

(tick) 10 - 14

Known issues

Connect Bitbucket to PostgreSQL

MySQL (Bitbucket Server only)

(tick) 8.0.11+

(tick) 5.7.9+

(tick) MariaDB 10.7.3+

(tick) MariaDB 10.6.3+

(tick) MariaDB 10.5.4+

(tick) MariaDB 10.4.6+

(tick) MariaDB 10.3.7+

Known issues

MySQL, while supported by Bitbucket, is currently not recommended, especially for larger instances, due to inherent performance and deadlock issues that occur in this database engine under heavy load.

See Connecting Bitbucket Server to MySQL for more details and for some general information on deadlock issues.

You should not use Bitbucket with the following:

Do not use MySQL in Bitbucket Data Center.

Microsoft SQL Server / Microsoft SQL Server Express

(tick) 2019

(tick) 2017

(tick) 2016

(tick) 2014 

Good to know

Known issues


(tick) 19c

(tick) 18c

(tick) 12c R2

No additional information or known issues
Amazon Aurora (Data Center only)
(tick) PostgreSQL 10 - 11

Good to know

  • The only supported Amazon Aurora config is a PostgreSQL-compatible clustered database with one writer replicating to zero or more readers. Learn more

H2 (bundled)

(info) Bitbucket Server, evaluation only

(tick)  Bitbucket Mirror

Good to know

  • H2 is bundled with Bitbucket for evaluation use only.
  • H2 (bundled) is the only database that is supported with Bitbucket Data Center mirrors in production.
HSQLDB (bundled)
Bitbucket Server only, evaluation only
(warning) Deprecated

Good to know

  • Please see Connect Bitbucket to an external database.
  • HSQLDB is not supported in Bitbucket Data Center.
  • HSQLDB support was deprecated as of Bitbucket 4.0+. New Bitbucket installs will bundle and use H2 as the default database for evaluation purposes.


See Integrate with Atlassian applications for supported version combinations.


We recommend upgrading to the latest version of your CI server to ensure that the environment is as secure and stable as possible. See Integrated CI/CD for more information about linking Bitbucket and your CI application.

(tick) 2.162+

Good to know


(tick) 5.6 – 6.10

(tick) 7.0+

Good to know


BrowsersGood to know

(tick) Chrome 

(tick) Firefox 

(tick) Edge 

(tick) Safari 

  • Bitbucket has a minimum supported browser resolution of 1100px.
  • Bitbucket supports the latest stable version of Chromium-based Microsoft Edge and does not support legacy Microsoft Edge (versions 18 and lower).
  • Mobile browsers are not supported.


Git – server

(tick)  2.31.x - 2.36.x

Good to know

We recommend using the most recent supported version of Git on both the Bitbucket instance and clients where possible, subject to the following notes and exceptions:

  • The version of Git installed on machines that interact with Bitbucket must be compatible with the version of Git installed for use by the Bitbucket instance.

Git – client
(tick) 1.6.6+

Good to know

  • A bug was fixed in Git version that prevented http push proxying from working. 
Git LFS  client
(tick) 3.0.0+
(tick) 2.0.0+
(tick) 1.1.0+

Good to know

  • Git LFS 3.0 includes backwards incompatible changes with Bitbucket Data Center & Server 7.16.0 and below.

Internet protocols

Internet protocolsGood to know

(tick) IPv4

(tick) IPv6

When using Bitbucketin IPv6 environments, we recommend that hostnames rather than IP addresses are used.


Search serversGood to know


(tick) 7.16.2, 7.16.3

(tick) 7.10.2


(tick) 1.2

Amazon OpenSearch Service

(tick) OpenSearch 1.1

(tick) Elasticsearch 7.10

Additional tools

ToolsGood to know


(tick) 5.8.8+


(tick) 7.2+

  • Perl is usually provided automatically with Git.
Last modified on Mar 19, 2024

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