Upgrade tasks

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UPGRADETASK-2001 Invalid content in pull request commit backfill upgrade marker file WARNING


With the introduction of pull request links on commit pages in 5.11Bitbucket Data Center and Server must run an upgrade task to index existing pull request commit relationships. The upgrade task processes a single repository at a time, and persists progress by writing an upgrade marker file with the ID of the latest repository processed. Once all repositories have been processed, the upgrade task writes -1 to the file.

The UPGRADETASK-2001 issue indicates that the contents of this marker file are not valid. This means progress of the upgrade task cannot be confirmed, and as a result, some pull request commit relationships may not have been indexed. The contents of the file are invalid if the file is empty or the file contents cannot be converted to an integer. A missing upgrade marker file will not trigger this issue.

Alert Details

When UPGRADETASK-2001 is raised, the following data is collected to help diagnose the problem:

content: the content of the marker file, truncated to 10 characters.


The upgrade marker file at <PATH_TO_SHARED_HOME>/config/upgrade/core-backfill-pull-request-commits is corrupted. The contents of the file are considered invalid if the file is empty or the file contents cannot be converted to an integer.


If this issue is encountered, the marker file can be deleted in order to run the upgrade task again next time Bitbucket is started.

Alternatively, the contents of the file can be set to -1 in order to mark the upgrade task as completed.

However, this may result in some or all pull request links missing from commits. If the issue occurs repeatedly after manual intervention, contact support at https://support.atlassian.com.

Last modified on Mar 7, 2023

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