View Page Information

The Page Information view for a page shows you useful information about the page.

To see the information about the page:

  1. View the page.
  2. Choose
    More options
    > Page Information

You will see the following information:

  • Page details: Title, author, date of creation, date of last modification and the tiny link (permalink) of the page.
  • Page hierarchy: Parent-child relationships of the page.
  • Incoming links: Lists other pages in your Confluence Site that have links to this page, or reference this page in an Include Page or Excerpt Include macro.
  • Labels: Any labels (tags) that have been applied to this page. See Add, Remove and Search for Labels.
  • Page Permissions: Displays page-level security restrictions that apply to the page (if present). See Page Restrictions.
  • Recent Changes: Links to the five most recent versions of the page along with the name of the editor and the date of modification. See Page History and Page Comparison Views. Choose View page history to see the page history view,  all the versions of the page in reverse chronological order and allows you to compare versions or to restore a previous version.
  • Outgoing links: A summary of the links contained on this page, pointing to other pages on the Confluence site or to external websites.

Note: if there is no information to report (for example the page has no restrictions or no incoming links), that section of the Page Information won't appear.

Screenshot: Page information for this page

Last modified on Aug 22, 2023

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