Future releases and limitations
This page has been written with the assumption that you've already migrated from live plans (any version from 2.0 to 2.27) to plans with the improved interface (version 3.0 and later).
We're working on more features for the improved planning interface, and we'll incrementally release these features. As such, there are limitations to take note of.
We've also removed some functionality from the improved interface, as we believe some features weren't providing the full value that we had envisioned. If required in your plans, you can still use the removed functionality by disabling the improved interface.
Future releases
Here are some of the features we're considering:
1 | Issue detail view |
2 | Visual customization |
3 | Dynamic release dates | The concept of dynamic release dates does not apply in plans with the improved interface at the moment. Currently, if you're purely manually scheduling issues, you would not get a value for release dates. Instead, issues would be grouped into specific releases that don't really have an end date. We're still considering how best to support dynamic release dates in the improved interface. At the moment, to generate a "dynamic" release end date, you'll need to auto-schedule the issues in your plan. Depending on how your auto-schedule settings are configured, Portfolio may generate a date for this. |
4 | Reporting functionality | Reporting functionality is currently limited in the improved interface. However, we're currently building more working views that can be shared as reports to relevant audiences. |
Take note of the following limitations:
Compatibility and layout limitations
1 | Limited browser compatibility | We highly recommend you use Chrome or Firefox as your browser. You can also use Internet Explorer 11 and Safari — we've fixed some issues specific to these browsers in the latest version. |
2 | Cannot sort columns in plans |
3 | Cannot reorder columns in plans |
Technical limitations
1 | Lead time in dependency details is not an auto-scheduled value | When you're auto-scheduling your plan, note that the lead time that appears in the dependency details is not an auto-scheduled value. Sample lead time of a dependency when a plan is auto-scheduled |
2 | Support for custom fields | Though you can now add custom fields to your plan, this is currently limited to the following custom field types:
We're still working on supporting more custom field types in future versions. |
3 | Status breakdown bar not displaying accurate information | In the new releases view, the status breakdown bar of each release displays the number of issues in the release. You can hover on the bar, to see the issues grouped by status category. |
4 | Team members are now assignees when planning work |
5 | Individual capacity planning is replaced by team capacity planning |
6 | Sprint data may not display in the plan |
7 | Sprints appear to be overbooked while at 100% capacity | A sprint may appear to be overbooked, while its capacity is shown at just 100%. This is because Portfolio rounds down the capacity value to show the even value of 100%. For example, a sprint at 100.3% capacity will be rounded down to 100%, and thus results to overbooking while displaying capacity at that percentage. |
8 | Teams and sprints that have been set in Jira may not display in the plan |
9 | Minor change when entering estimates for issues | Previously, you can enter an estimate for an issue, then click the Enter key to move to the issue in the next row. In the improved interface, you need to:
Removed functionality
We've removed the following functionality from the improved interface:
1 | Stages and skills | We've removed stages and skills for the following reasons:
2 | Scheduling factors | In current plans, you can use the scheduling factors section, to understand how issues are scheduled off your backlog, as well as why some issues aren't scheduled as expected. In the improved interface, this section isn't available anymore. If an issue is not scheduled as expected, you can manually reschedule the issue straight away. |
3 | Shared people settings | Since individual capacity planning is not supported, any configured settings for the following will not apply to plans with the improved interface:
If you need any of the removed functionality in your plans, we'd like to understand this better. Let us know via the give feedback button in your plan.