
While scheduling work for your teams, Portfolio for Jira will warn you if there are any misaligned dates in your plan:

  • If you set dates for issues that conflict with the dates of their corresponding parent or child issues, you'll explicitly get a warning message for it. This makes it easy for you to quickly fix any dates that may have been mistakenly updated.

    Sample warning, when a child issue starts before its parent

  • If you set target dates for an issue that clash with the due dates coming from Jira, you'll need to modify these dates accordingly.

    Sample warning, when an issue's due date is earlier than its target end date
  • If you're adding an issue to or removing an issue from an active sprint, note that this will affect the scope of the sprint in progress. In the Review changes dialog, a warning will be shown for such changes on hover.

    Sample warning, when an issue is added to an active sprint

  • If the current date at the time you're viewing an issue is already past the target end date of that issue, you'll explicitly get a warning message for it. You'll also be prompted to update either the status of the issue, or its target end date.

    Sample warning, when an issue's target end date is past the current day's date

Last modified on May 17, 2019

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