Tracking your progress

During your sprint, you and your team will need to monitor your progress to make sure that everyone is on the same page. There are several tools that you can use to do this, which are described below.

Active sprints

The Active sprints page is where you monitor the progress of your team's work during a sprint. Here, your team can transition issues through a series of columns (statuses), allowing everyone to quickly visualize the progress being made in the sprint. You can also edit issues by adding information, such as descriptions, attachments, comments. and information from your linked developer tools such as Bitbucket and Bamboo. 

Active sprints page (board) with annotations explained below the image.

  1. Columns: A column displays the current status of your issues in your workflow.
  2. Swimlanes: You can configure swimlanes (rows) using filters, such as stories, epics, assignees, etc.

More about Active sprints

Issues that you ranked higher in your backlog appear at the top of the column, to make it easier for users to select the most important issue to work on.

Transition issues

During the sprint, let's say your team was only able to finish three issues, TIS-1, TIS-2, and TIS-5. Issue TIS-8 remains in the 'To Do' column since no team member was able to work on the issue. Let's show on the board what happened during the sprint by transitioning issues from one column to another.

  1. On the Teams in Space board, click Active sprints.
  2. Select TIS-5 and move the issue to the 'In Progress' column.
    Action of moving an issue between the columns.
  3. Select TIS -5, TIS-2, and TIS-1, and then move the issues to the 'Done' column.


Use <Ctrl> or <Shift> to select multiple issues, and then drag and drop the issues to a column.

View the Burndown Chart

You've just seen how your team is progressing, from the Active sprints of your board. The Burndown Chart is another useful tracking tool, which can help you visualize your team's progress, as well as determine whether your team is on target to achieve the sprint goal.

  1. On the Teams in Space board, click Reports.
  2. Select Burndown Chart.
    Burndown Chart.

The grey line in your Burndown Chart is a guide showing the rate of work required to complete the sprint. The red line, on the other hand, shows the actual work completed by your team.

If your Burndown Chart shows the red line above the grey line, your team may not achieve the sprint goal. You may want to consider removing some issues from the sprint. Any changes to scope (e.g. issues added to sprint, issues removed from sprint) are shown in the table below the graph.

View the Burnup Chart

The Burnup Chart provides a visual representation of a sprint's completed work compared with its total scope. It offers insights on your project's progress, as well as offers warnings to help you maintain your project's health; you can instantly identify problems such as scope creep or a deviation from the planned project path.

Burn-up charts has one important advantage over the Burndown Chart in that it allows to divide the scope and the progress. Both scope and progress are combined on the Burndown chart and it is not possible to visualize and identify changes in scope and/or progress.

Burnup Chart.

The chart shows the red work scope line and the green completed work line (completed stories, tasks, fixed incidents for example) in relation to the  grey Guideline, which is a theoretical line showing the daily completion necessary to meet the deadline.

The distance between the two lines is the amount of remaining work. The project will be completed when the green and red lines meet. 

The spikes in work scope mean that something has been added to the milestone while spikes in completed work mean a story has been completed. This information can be crucial at retrospective to understand if, for example, too much work has ben added or the work has been more complex than estimated. 

Well done! You now know how to track the progress of your team's sprints! Next, let's wrap up your work!

Last modified on Jun 1, 2020

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