Managing customers

JIRA Service Desk customers are users who create requests for the service team to work on. They do not have access to the service desk interface in JIRA used by agents. Customers do not consume JIRA Service Desk licenses or JIRA user licenses. Customers can:

  • Create and track their own requests
  • Add comments to their own requests
  • Add other participants to their own requests

Every customer must have an account to create requests. They need to log in to use the Customer Portal. When customers contact your service desk with the email channel for the first time, new user accounts will automatically be created for them if public signup is enabled. If the service desk does not allow public signup, emails sent by unregistered email addresses will not be processed. 


This page applies to the version 2 license.

All purchases of JIRA Service Desk made on and after 10 September 2014 are on the version 2 license, i.e. the new pricing model. For instructions on user management for version 1 license, see Setting up users with the version 1.x pricing.

Managing customers and their requests

You can find customers and the requests they created in your service desk by using the Customers section of the People tab. We refer to this section as the customer list. The list shows twenty customers at most. You can search for customers that do not appear on the list.

To look at requests created by a customer, use the Open requests and Closed requests columns on the list. 

Screenshot: Customer list on the People tab

Adding customers

There are a number of ways to add customers to your service desk:

  • Allow customer signups on the Customer Portal or by email

    Public signup allows your customers to create accounts on the Customer Portal or by emailing into your service desk project. As new customers sign up, they will be added to your service desk's customer list. To enable public signup, see Configuring public signup.

  • Add customers to your service desk manually

    1. In your service desk, go to the People tab > Customers
    2. Select the Invite customers button, and enter the email addresses of the customers. 
      Note: Mailing lists do not work.

    Invited customers will then receive an email invitation that links them to your Customer Portal. They can log in to your portal if their email already exists in the system, or they will need to fill in details for their account and set the password after landing on the portal. Customers are added as members of the Service Desk Customers role automatically after you invite them to your service desk.

  • Add customers to your service desk by groups with the project role

    You can add groups of customers by adding them to the Service Desk Customers project role.

    1. Open the service desk in the administration console, go to Administration > Projects.
    2. Choose your service desk.
    3. Open the Roles section
    4. Review the Service Desk Customers role and update the Groups field. Enter one or multiple JIRA user groups of your choice and click Update:

    The users in the groups you added will then have access to your service desk. 

Enabling request participants

You can allow your customers to add other participants to requests via the Customer Portal. You can also allow customers to search for existing service desk users by name or email address.

  1. In your service desk, go to the Settings tab > Request participants.
  2. Switch the first setting to On to allow customers to add request participants. 
  3. Switch the second setting to On to allow customers to search for existing users.

Note that enabling these settings does not bypass JIRA issue-level security. If issue-level security (e.g. restricting an issue to only be viewable by the reporter) has been applied, participants may not be able to access their requests. For more information, see Configuring Issue-level Security.

Last modified on Apr 10, 2015

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