Reporting on SLAs

JIRA Service Desk provides robust reporting tools that you can use to track your team's performance against your SLAs. This page lists the SLA-specific JQL conditions you can use to query the SLA data in your service desk, as well as examples for creating some common JQL queries on SLAs.

State conditions

State conditions are JQL functions used with operators = or != . For example:

"Time to resolution" = breached() or "Time to resolution" != breached()

Success/fail functions

Function namewith =with !=
breached()Gives all issues whose SLA last cycle (completed or ongoing) has breached (target goal failed)Gives all issues whose SLA last cycle has not breached (for completed) or not breached yet (for ongoing cycles)
everBreached()Gives all issues whose SLA has any cycle (current or past) that has ever breached.Gives all issues whose SLA has all cycles (past or present) successful or not breached yet (if ongoing).

SLA state functions

This state addresses the last SLA cycle. This cycle can be completed (the stop event is reached) or ongoing (the stop event is not reached yet). When the cycle is ongoing, the cycle can be running or paused (if pause condition is true).

SLAs that have no cycles yet (the cycle has never been started) are not returned by these conditions.

Function namewith =with !=
completed()Gives all issues whose SLA last cycle is completedGives all issues whose SLA last cycle is not completed
running()Gives all issues whose SLA last cycle is ongoing and not pausedGives all issues whose SLA last cycle is not running (i.e. completed or paused)
paused() Gives all issues whose SLA last cycle is ongoing and paused Gives all issues whose SLA last cycle is not paused (i.e. completed or running)


Duration conditions

Conditions on duration are JQL functions used with operators <, <=, >, >=.

The '=' and '!=' operators are not supported.

These functions only apply to SLAs whose last cycle is ongoing (running or paused). Completed SLAs or SLAs without cycles will not be returned.


"Time to resolution" < elapsed(2h) or "Time to resolution" < remaining("2h 30m")

There are two duration conditions:

Function nameDescription
elapsed()Gives issues whose SLA last cycle match condition on elapsed time since start event.

This function gives issues whose SLA last cycle match condition on remaining time before SLA breaches current goal target duration.

This function is implicit, meaning that

"Time to resolution" > 5h

is the same as

"Time to resolution" > remaining(5h)

Common SLA queries

This table lists some examples of common SLA queries; the conditions you use for your own reports will vary depending on the way your JIRA project is set up.

To find outQuery

All issues that are about to break SLAs

"Time to first response" < 1h and "Time to first response" != breached()

Issues that have plenty of time until they are due"Time to first response" > 40h
Issues that have at least one breached SLA cycle"Time to response" = everBreached()
The order of issues based on an SLA metric

project = SIS ORDER BY "Time to resolution"

Last modified on Jun 12, 2015

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