Viewing references in a graph

Insight contains four different graphs to help you get a better overview of your data:

  • Object schema graph
  • Object type graph
  • Object graph (including force graph and tree graph)

Object schema graph

To view an object schema's graph:

  1. Open your object schema.
  2. At the top-right, select Graph.

To get information about a certain object type, click on it.

  • Gray lines point to the parent object type.
  • Colored lines mark object attribute dependency.
  • You can click the cog icon in the vertical menu to hide parent lines or visualize the object count.
  • You can also create new references directly in the graph by pressing shift and dragging from one object type to another indicated by a purple line as seen in the image below.

Object type graph

To view an object type's graph:

  1. Open your object type.
  2. At the top-right, select Graph.

The object type graph is mostly the same as the object schema graph, but allows you to focus more on a specific part. By double-clicking on the icon for an object type, you can expand the graph and also show the types connected to this one.

Object graph

To view an object's graph.

  1. Select your object.
  2. Select Object graph.

Force graph view

The object graph is used to view specific objects and their relations. On the right, you can see all attributes, issues, and attachments for the selected object. By double-clicking an object, you can expand the graph to include all related objects.

As with the other graphs you can stop the icons moving around by clicking the lock icon. In the configuration, you can set the reference depth which tells how far from the initial object the graph should show, i.e. if you set it to 1 you will only see the selected object and related objects, set it to 2 and you will also see all objects related to the related objects and so on.

Tree graph view

This view let you watch your object references in a hierarchical tree structure. Referenced objects are grouped by Object Type to make it easier to distinguish them.

Last modified on Oct 19, 2021

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