Insight JQL functions

We provide a number of JQL functions that can be in handy when searching for issue in Jira. Below we will describe how they work and what you can do with them. If you have any request for additional JQL functions, please let us know and we will add it to our backlog.

What is issueFunction below?

In the JQL examples below you will find something called customField. It is your custom field that you may add to your Jira instance. Remember that the name is of your own choice, so use the ones that you have created.


using the IQL function with object schema or specifying an object type in the IQL will increase performance by a lot. If the IQL function is used when calculating JSD SLA's for instance, try to limit the IQL by adding object type name, schema id or object key since this will decrease the execution time of the query.


iql is the IQL to filter on.


customField in iqlFunction("Customer.\"Account Manager\" = \"Mathias Edblom\"")


customField in iqlFunction("Host.Virtual = true")

This will filter any issues where an application is reported and where the application is installed on a virtual server.

iqlFunction(object schema name/id, iql) (Deprecated)

This one is deprecated since the object schema/s are determine by the custom field configuration it self. This possibility will be removed in future releases.

Object Schema Name/ID  is the name (or id) of an object schema.

iql is the IQL to filter on.

attributeValue (Deprecated)

This JQL function is deprecated. Use the iqlFunction instead!

attributeValue(attribute, operator, value)

Attribute is the name of an object type attribute.

Operator can be one of the following:  "=", "!=", "<", "<=", ">", ">=", "like", "startswith", "endswith"

Value is the value to search on.


customField in attributeValue("salary", ">", "70000")

This will return all issues with an insight object connected and the object has an attribute "salary" and the value is more then 70000.


customField in attributeValue("Expiration Date", "<", "28/Jun/14")

This will return all issues with an insight object connected and the object has an attribute "Expiration Date" and the date is earlier then 28/Jun/14.

You may use now() to use current date. Use now(90) to add 90 days from today and similar query's like now(-30).


customField in attributeValue("Name", "like", "joh")

This will return all issues with an insight object connected and the object has "joh" somewhere in the name.


customField in attributeValue("Owner", "=", "Mathias Edblom")

This will return all issues with an insight object connected and the Jira user "Mathias Edblom" is the owner of the object/s.

For User type, you may use "currentUser()" to filter on the current user. Ex: customField in attributeValue("Owner", "=", "currentUser()")

Note that attribute name are case-sensitive in the attributeValue function!

Last modified on Jul 12, 2022

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