Entering and Exiting Daylight Saving (DST) in JIRA


This page is to explain what happens to the Date Time field values when entering and/or exiting DST in JIRA.


Assume Sydney is entering DST on October 4th 2015 02:00. At this time, Australia/Sydney time will shift forward an hour, becoming October 4th 2015 03:00.

  • The created date value for issue ABC-678 is 1/Oct/15 9:42 PM, and will remain as is.
  • A new issue ABC-679 created after 4/Oct/15 3:00 AM will use the current (DST) time for its created date.


  • The existing values in Date Time field and Date/Time history will remain unchanged.
  • The Date Time field and Date/Time history for events scheduled after Daylight Savings Time begins will reflect the new updated timezone.
  • (info) Ensure Java is updated to the latest version supported by your version of Jira. Please refer to the JIRA Supported Platforms page for more information (Select your correct Jira version at the top-right).

Last modified on Dec 7, 2022

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