How to identify fields with custom Javascript in their description in Jira Data Center / Server

Platform notice: Server and Data Center only. This article only applies to Atlassian products on the Server and Data Center platforms.

Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.

*Except Fisheye and Crucible



As an admin, you may want to find which custom fields have custom scripts in their description. It may be useful to track code that could be interfering with page rendering, page performance or missing content.

These custom javascripts in field descriptions are often used to tweak visual elements in Jira when the fields are present, but can also change much more appearance and even fields behavior in Jira.


All versions of Jira Core 7.x, 8.x and 9.x.


The following SQL queries will show all fields that potentially have custom javascript code in them. There may be false-positives as the comparisons match words like "script", "html" and "css":

These queries were written and tested on PostgreSQL. If you're having issues executing them on a different DB product you may need to tweak the syntax accordingly.

The following query checks the descriptions of custom fields for scripts:

select * from customfield
where lower(cast(description as varchar)) like '%<javascript%' 
  or lower(cast(description as varchar)) like '%<script%' 
  or lower(cast(description as varchar)) like '%html%' 
  or lower(cast(description as varchar)) like '%css%';

Custom fields can also have alternate descriptions specified by field configurations:

select * from fieldlayoutitem 
where lower(cast(description as varchar)) like '%<javascript%' 
  or lower(cast(description as varchar)) like '%<script%' 
  or lower(cast(description as varchar)) like '%html%' 
  or lower(cast(description as varchar)) like '%css%';

The following queries check for any scripts in custom field contexts:

select * from fieldconfigscheme 
where lower(cast(description as varchar)) like '%<javascript%' 
  or lower(cast(description as varchar)) like '%<script%' 
  or lower(cast(description as varchar)) like '%html%' 
  or lower(cast(description as varchar)) like '%css%';

select * from fieldconfiguration 
where lower(cast(description as varchar)) like '%<javascript%' 
  or lower(cast(description as varchar)) like '%<script%' 
  or lower(cast(description as varchar)) like '%html%' 
  or lower(cast(description as varchar)) like '%css%';

It can also be worth checking the announcement banner for any scripts, as it's a known potential cause of interference when it contains custom scripts or HTML code:

select * from propertytext 
where id in (select id from propertyentry 
  where property_key='jira.alertheader');

Here are the same queries above all in one block for easier copying and pasting:

select * from customfield
where lower(cast(description as varchar)) like '%<javascript%' 
  or lower(cast(description as varchar)) like '%<script%' 
  or lower(cast(description as varchar)) like '%html%' 
  or lower(cast(description as varchar)) like '%css%';

select * from fieldlayoutitem 
where lower(cast(description as varchar)) like '%<javascript%' 
  or lower(cast(description as varchar)) like '%<script%' 
  or lower(cast(description as varchar)) like '%html%' 
  or lower(cast(description as varchar)) like '%css%';

select * from fieldconfigscheme 
where lower(cast(description as varchar)) like '%<javascript%' 
  or lower(cast(description as varchar)) like '%<script%' 
  or lower(cast(description as varchar)) like '%html%' 
  or lower(cast(description as varchar)) like '%css%';

select * from fieldconfiguration 
where lower(cast(description as varchar)) like '%<javascript%' 
  or lower(cast(description as varchar)) like '%<script%' 
  or lower(cast(description as varchar)) like '%html%' 
  or lower(cast(description as varchar)) like '%css%';

select * from propertytext 
where id in (select id from propertyentry 
  where property_key='jira.alertheader');

Disabling the "Enable HTML in custom field descriptions and list item values" would also prevent all description-embedded javascripts from executing — even if they're present in the fields. You can toggle it on Admin > System > General configuration > Edit preferences.

Last modified on Jan 27, 2025

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