Create linked issue

Ever wanted to link an issue in a service desk project directly to an issue in a JIRA project or vice versa? Newsflash - now you can!

You can now link issues in a service desk project to an issue in a JIRA project or vice versa. Use Create linked issue to quickly create and link a new issue from an existing issue across service desk and JIRA projects. The linked issues are updated and people involved are notified when the issue or problem is resolved. 

Let’s look at a scenario where several service desk customers have reported a bug in a software application. You need the software team to fix this but they are using a JIRA Software project to track issues. No problem!

From your service desk issue, create a new linked issue in the JIRA Software project. You can also reference other service desk issues related to the software bug. Last but not least, you can also create a rule with the Update incident when linked problem transitions blueprint to update all linked issues and notify people involved when the JIRA issue is resolved.   

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