Managing apps

About apps

An app (sometimes called an add-on or plugin) is an installable component that supplements or enhances the functionality of Jira Cloud. You can find lots more apps for extending Jira Cloud on the Atlassian Marketplace.

For information about developing your own apps for Jira Cloud, see the Jira Developer documentation. To enable various Jira Gadgets, see Configuring the default dashboard.

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If you're a Jira admin, you can find and try new Atlassian Marketplace apps right from the issue view. Select the Apps quick-add button under the issue summary and choose Add apps.

The Universal Plugin Manager

The Universal Plugin Manager (UPM) is itself an app that you use to administer apps for Jira. The UPM comes pre-installed in Jira, and is kept up to date (so you don't need to install or update it yourself).

In the UPM, you can:

For more information on performing other common app administration tasks, see the Universal Plugin Manager documentation.

To get to the UPM:

  1. Select > Apps.
  2. Click Manage apps.

View Jira apps

From the in-product marketplace you can use the text field and category menu to filter the apps that appear on the page. By default, the page lists apps that require administrative action. This includes apps available for trial or that are expiring soon.

You can also choose from these categories:

  • Paid via Atlassian shows the purchased apps in the system, whether sold by Atlassian or a third-party vendor.

  • User-installed apps are not included with the stand-alone version of the product and have been bundled with Jira Cloud. These apps can be disabled or enabled. Some modules of these apps can be disabled or enabled as well, although modules that are integral to the functioning of the app can't be disabled.

  • System apps are those that are shipped with the stand-alone version of the product and included in Jira Cloud. These apps are integral to your site's functionality and you should not disable them unless instructed to do so by Atlassian support.

View app details

Choose an app's name to view its details. The details include a short description of the app; options to disable, uninstall, or configure the app; and information about the app developer.

Find and add new apps

In Jira Cloud terms, you buy an app by subscribing to it.

To find and try new apps:

  1. Select > Apps.
  2. Click Find new apps.

Once you're there, you can use the search and filters to find apps to help you get more done in Jira. To try or subscribe to an app, click Free trial next to the app. 

If you don't terminate the trial within the trial period, a subscription for the app kicks in. Trials last for a month from the start of your next billing date. After starting a trial, you can stop it from the app administration page.

Although you can re-enable the trial within the original trial period, you can't try it again beyond the original trial period. At that point, you can only subscribe to the app from the Manage apps page.

Cancel an app subscription

To cancel your subscription to an app, go to Settings > AppsManage apps, select the app, then select Unsubscribe.

Apps that use product events, such as Jira issue creation, to trigger outbound webhooks continue to send their events while unlicensed.

To remove all data and stop outbound webhooks uninstall the app. Learn more about uninstalling apps.

View the Jira app audit log

The audit log displays administration activities related to apps on your Jira Cloud site. For example, the log displays when apps were enabled or disabled, and shows the username of the administrator who made the change.

  1. Select > Apps.
  2. Click Manage apps.
  3. Choose Audit log at the bottom-left of the page.

To receive the audit log activity in an RSS feed, click the orange RSS icon on the right above the list.

Last modified on Nov 17, 2021

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