4. Link your project to Assets asset management

A change request should be opened against something – be it a configuration item, physical server, or some other asset that you need to change or improve. We’ll help you create a basic inventory of assets in Jira Service Management and then link it to your project so you can start including assets in changes.

Over time, you can improve your inventory and make any adjustments to this configuration you need.

Assets at a glance – basic overview

This is a basic overview of Assets, just to show you how it all works and connects together. If you’d like to learn more, here’s a getting started guide.

If you’re not so familiar with the basics, assets in Assets are called objects. This is what it looks like in Assets:

  1. Object types: These work like categories that group your actual assets. They would typically be offices, computers, or devices.

  2. Objects: These are your assets, grouped within object types. Each asset has attributes that help identify and describe it, just like issue fields.

Linking your inventory and including assets

Objects can be selected and included in issues through Assets custom fields that link projects to your Assets inventory. Such a custom field can be linked to your whole inventory or only parts of it – this will affect the objects that can be selected by users.

Selecting an object

Viewing the object in your issue

Create a basic Assets inventory

Create the object schema

To create a basic Assets inventory:

  1. In the Jira top navigation bar, select Assets > Assets Object Schemas.

  2. Select Create Object Schema.

  3. Choose Create Sample IT Asset Schema.

  4. Give it a name and click Create.

Your inventory has been created with a sample structure, but it still needs some objects and adjustments.

Add attributes needed for approvals and automation rules

Approvals and automation rules that you will add in the next steps rely on the Importance and Owner attributes of your objects in Assets. Let’s add these attributes, you can make the adjustments later.

Show me how to add attributes...

To add attributes:

  1. Select the Applications object type in the list on the left. You can select any other, but we’ll use this one in the examples.

  2. In the top right, select Attributes.

  3. Add an attribute by specifying fields in the last line of attributes. You can choose a name, type and type value, as well as configure additional items by selecting the cog icon.

  4. Click Add. Your attribute will be added to the object type, which means it will be used by all objects within this object type.

Need more details? See Adding attributes to object types.

Add the following attributes to the Applications object type, which is under Asset details. You can choose other object types, but we’ll use this one in examples:

Attribute nameType and Type valueValues
  • Type: Default

  • Type value: Select

To add the options, click the cog icon > Configure.

  • Critical

  • High

  • Medium

  • Low

  • Type: User or Group

You can choose the value when you edit an underlying object. Choose a user or group who will be responsible for this particular object.

Create some objects

Add a Jira Software object to the Applications object type. You can add more objects if you wish.

Show me how to create objects...

To create objects:

  1. Select any of the object types in the list on the left.

  2. In the top right, select Objects.

  3. Select Create objects, and fill in the attributes (fields). All these attributes have been inherited from the parent object type.

Need more details? See Creating objects.

Show me an example object...

Here’s a sample Jira Software object you can create:

Object type: Asset details > Applications.

Object details:

  • Name: Jira Software

  • Vendor: Atlassian

  • Version: LTS

  • Importance: High

  • Owner: jira-administrators, or any other user

Link your inventory to your Jira project

Your Assets inventory can be linked to Jira projects by using Assets custom fields. They behave like regular Jira custom fields but have an additional configuration that lets you map it to your inventory, or some parts of it.

tip/resting Created with Sketch.

For more details, see Adding Assets custom fields to screens in Jira.

Create an Assets object/s custom field

To create an Assets custom field:

  1. Go to Administration > Custom fields.

  2. Select Add custom field.

  3. Select All, and choose Assets Object/s.

  4. Give it a name Affected object and associate the field with change requests and your project.

  5. Click Create.

  6. Associate the field with the Create and View/Edit screens, like you did in one of the previous steps.

Configure the field

We’ll map the field to your whole inventory, just to have access to all assets. You can adjust it later if you wish.

To configure the Assets custom field:

  1. On the Custom fields page, search for your custom field.

  2. Select … > Configure.

  3. Select Edit Assets Configuration.

  4. Set Object Schema to the object schema you created. That’s your inventory.

  5. Leave the remaining fields as they are.

Enable the field on the portal

Like with other custom fields, if you’d like your customers to be able to select a value for this field, you need to enable and show it on the customer portal.

Show me how to do this...

To enable the field on the customer portal:

  1. Open your project and go to Project settings > Request types.

  2. Find a request that works as a change request for your customers.

  3. Select Edit fields.

  4. Select + Add a field, and add your field. After saving, it should appear in the Visible fields section.

View the field

When you create a new change, your custom field should be displayed on the screen. You should also be able to select objects from your inventory.

Agent view

Customer portal

Next steps

When you’re ready, go to 5. Add approvals to your workflow.

Last modified on Jul 9, 2024

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