Commit in Stash shows a different username than the one that pushes the code
Frequently new Stash users believe that the user that pushes changes to Stash should be the ones listed on the Author column of the commits displayed in the UI. The image below shows the Author column:
On the image above, the Stash user "Test1" pushed the changes into this repository. However, the "Commits Author" shown on the UI is "Integration Builder". This is an expected behaviour and you need to configure your local Git according to your expectations.
The user shown in Stash UI (Author column) is the one that committed changes to its local repo and is configured within the local Git before the repository was pushed.
The Stash user who pushed the changes is not shown on the UI.
If you want to see a different user on that column, please change your Git configuration and perform a new
git push
. For more details, please refer to Atlassian Git site:$ git config --global "John Doe" $ git config --global
Bear in mind that as of Stash 2.12 we have been supporting "user name linking" - when you're logged in to Stash you'll notice that wherever commit author names are displayed (for example, on the commits list, and the blame view) they are now linked to the profile page of the author (if the author is also a Stash user). Authors are matched to Stash users via the author's email address, and the user's name in their Stash account is displayed instead of their author name.
This feature was tracked through STASH-3235 - Getting issue details... STATUS .