Configuring stages and skills

This page discusses the usage of Advanced Roadmaps live plans. If you're using the redesigned planning interface, see this page instead.

A stage is an activity that is done sequentially per work item. A skill, on the other hand, is an ability that team members must have to complete work items. Skills can be defined per stage, and can be used to categorize different types of work within a stage. You can learn more about stages and skills here.

You can configure stages and skills simultaneously in Advanced Roadmaps. However, we recommend that you create stages first, and then add skills to the stages as necessary.

An example of a stage would be Development, and sample skills that can be added to the development stage could be backendfrontend, and integration.

To configure a stage:

  1. In your plan, click more () next to the plan name > Configure > Stages and skills.
  2. Click Add stage.
  3. Give the new stage a name, and then click Add stage.

To configure a skill:

  1. In your plan, click more () next to the plan name > Configure > Stages and skills.
  2. Click Add skill.
  3. Give the new skill a name, and then click Create skill.

  4. Choose the estimate allocation percentage for the skill.
    The estimate allocation will define the percentage of that skill that someone needs to complete that issue.

    For example, note the following values:
    - There's an issue that has an estimate of 10
    - There's a design skill, with its percentage at 60%
    - There's also a JavaScript skill, with its percentage at 40%

    In this example, 6 points of the 10-point estimate would require a team member that has design skills, and the remaining 4 points would require someone with the JavaScript skill.

Note the following details:

  • You can add as many skills to a stage, as you see fit for how you and your teams work.
  • To delete a skill, hover over the skill > more () > Delete.
Last modified on Aug 7, 2020

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